EcoFlow’s new Delta 3 Plus can power a refrigerator for 5 hours after a 30-minute charge

EcoFlow unveils next-gen power solutions

EcoFlow, a leading name in power stations and off-grid solutions, has unveiled a range of new products, from a wireless power bank to a kit for transforming an RV into an off-grid vehicle and a whole-home power backup solution.

Also: The best portable power stations you can buy

Rapid Series Power Banks

EcoFlow 10,000mAh RAPID Series Power Bank

EcoFlow is introducing its first power bank line, the Rapid series, featuring two models: a 5,000mAh unit for a single smartphone charge and a 10,000mAh unit for double the capacity. 

Both include a built-in USB-C cable with up to 65W output and Qi2-certified 15W wireless charging, twice as fast as standard Qi charging. It’s available in silver, light blue, and black.

Also: I’ve tested dozens of power banks, but I haven’t seen one quite like this

Power banks are power banks, and there doesn’t seem to be much that separates what EcoFlow is offering here from a high-end power bank by any of the other big names. That said, I’m pretty sure that all the major power station manufacturers are leaving money on the table by not offering complete solutions, and there’s no doubt that portable power banks are part of that solution.

EcoFlow Rapid 5,000mAh will be available for purchase, while Rapid 10,000mAh will be available for pre-order starting November 1.

River 3 Series power stations

EcoFlow RIVER 3 Series Power Station

The River 3 and River 3 Plus offer compact, entry-level power solutions with professional-grade performance at a budget price. EcoFlow says they are 30% smaller than industry averages yet deliver up to 600W, powering 90% of general electrical gadgets like space heaters and coffee makers, thanks to EcoFlow’s X-Boost technology. 

The River 3 uses X-GaNPower technology, enhancing energy efficiency and doubling runtime for appliances under 100W. 

The River 3 Plus features an ultra-fast UPS switchover in under 10ms and supports two extra batteries, EB300 (286Wh) or EB600 (572Wh), expanding capacity to 858Wh. These batteries connect wirelessly using Pogo Pin technology, eliminating cable clutter.

Also: Why you should stop using your solar-powered power bank

Here we’re seeing quite a few interesting innovations. One of the things that has always put me off using expansion batteries for power stations has been the cable clutter, and it’ll be interesting to see if EcoFlow has managed to solve this.

Also, there’s definitely a market for these sub 600W power stations for those who don’t have high-level power needs, for example. They want to power laptops, run lights, or just have something bigger than a power bank. The use of energy-efficient gallium nitride technology is an interesting twist for those low-level loads, and it allows the end user to get more out of a smaller power station.

EcoFlow River 3 will be available for purchase starting September 10, and River 3 Plus will be available for pre-order starting November 1.

Delta 3 Series

EcoFlow DELTA 3 Series Power Station

The Delta 3 and Delta 3 Plus provide robust power solutions for blackouts and off-grid adventures. The Delta 3 Plus, with a 1,024kWh capacity and 1,800W output, uses EcoFlow’s X-Stream technology for rapid charging, powering a refrigerator for at least five hours after a 30-minute charge. 

It includes a built-in UPS with a 10ms switchover and operates quietly at 30dB with X-Quiet Technology. 

The series integrates with EcoFlow’s ecosystem, expandable up to 5kWh with the new Delta 3 Extra Battery, and is compatible with the dual-fuel EcoFlow Smart Generator 3000.

Noise is always a problem when it comes to power stations, especially when they’re being used in confined areas like RVs, or at home during power cuts. Reducing the noise output to 30dB truly puts this in the “whisper quiet” power station category.

It’s also interesting to see how EcoFlow is going after the UPS market, positioning power stations not just as a way to run home appliances during blackouts but also as a way to power down sensitive equipment at home and at the office.

EcoFlow Delta 3 Plus will be available for pre-order starting September 10 and Delta 3 will be available for pre-order starting October 1.

Power Kits 5kVA 48V Power Systems

EcoFlow Power Kits 5kVA 48V Power Systems

Designed for RV users, EcoFlow says this system offers a seamless off-grid experience with up to 5kVA output, capable of running two rooftop ACs and multiple high-power appliances. 

Its modular, all-in-one design fits various RV types and reduces installation time with integrated wiring. Operating quietly at a maximum of 48dB, it supports an expandable capacity of up to 45kWh and offers multiple fast-charging methods, including alternator, solar, and AC power. 

Also: This ultra portable power station can charge any device – and it’s cheaper than you think

RV electrical systems can be monitored and controlled in real time via the EcoFlow system or third-party devices, enabling complete off-grid automation.

As someone who’s integrated power stations into RVs, and had to deal with the headache wiring and pulling together a bunch of systems that really didn’t want to play with each other nicely, the idea that EcoFlow is going to offer out of box solutions to help do this is a game changer. 

EcoFlow Power Kits will be available for pre-order starting October 15.


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