Electric or hybrid cars. Hydrogen cars. To reduce the carbon footprint of the transport sector, all solutions are good. Including, why not, the one proposed today by a team of researchers. Their idea: not to force the transition, but on the contrary, to let cars that are already efficient – even if they are gasoline – run longer!
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Our Planet is heating up. And to avoid the worst, there is now an urgent need to reduce our emissions of
greenhouse gas. In all areas. Including, of course, that of transport. In France, the sector is responsible for more than a third of researchers from the Imperial University of Kyushu (Japan) today warns us against false good ideas.
Often debates focus on the efficiency of vehicles or the use of alternative fuels. 2 per kilometer compared to more than 110 for cars registered in 2019. A decrease which can be explained in particular by an increase in the share of
electric cars
– or hybrids – on the market. of our cars in the hope of shedding light on political and personal choices. . electric cars , because when the demand for new cars increases, the emissions of the production phase increase ” , explains Shigemi Kagawa, professor at the Faculty of Economics at Kyushu University, in a press release. carbon footprint would have decreased by 30.7 million tons. cars second-hand and encourage that of new, more fuel-efficient cars. “So the next time you are considering buying a new car, ask yourself first if you couldn’t do a few more kilometers with the one you already have ”, concludes Shigemi Kagawa.
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