EdF: Deschamps calms things down before reunion with Belgium

During this international break, the France team will face Belgium in the semi-finals of the League of Nations .

Didier Deschamps, France, Equipe de France

Three days before this reunion between the Blues and the Red Devils in Turin, Didier Deschamps kept the game calm about the supposed rivalry between the two nations since the famous semi-final of the 2018 World Cup won by the French (1-0). “There has always been a rivalry because it’s border, the same one can have with Italy or Spain. But it’s not Thursday’s game that’s going to change anything (in 2018). Rivalry, it has always been there, it is a healthy and sporting rivalry (…) There has been excesses on both sides, but because we are more in the interpretation of words that may have been made, to hot, right after a happy or unhappy time. Obviously, it takes a little too much importance ”, entrusted the French coach at a press conference.

As a reminder, the other semi-final will oppose Italy to Spain on Wednesday evening.

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