EEDA – The new provision of the Penal Code on false news violates freedom of expression

The amendment of the penal code for the dissemination of false news violates the freedom of expression and does not prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the (EEDA) Hellenic Union for Human Rights points out in a statement.

As he notes, among other things, this amendment may in its application “infringe on freedom of expression and information, not only in the present circumstances but also in the future, especially in a number of other situations, where publications or even the wording will be considered They affect, for example, the national economy or the international relations of the country. “

The criminalization of heretical opinions is incompatible with the state of liberal democracy

Also “The criminalization of heretical opinions and views leads to ‘dogmatic truths’, completely incompatible with the state of liberal democracy”.

The Union calls on the government to immediately withdraw the amendment of the article and seek “Ways to support transparency and information to prevent the spread of the pandemic, which will be compatible with freedom of expression and information and the unconditional protection of scientific research. “

The Hellenic Union for the Rights of the Child Human Rights (EEDA) is the oldest Non-Governmental Organization for the Protection of Human Rights that exists in Greece. The Union was originally founded in 1936, with Alexandros Svolos as president, and was dissolved by the dictatorship of August 4th. It was re-established in 1953.

The Union, since its inception, has been a full member of the International Federation for Human Rights (Fédération Internationale des Droits de l’Homme), representing this international non-governmental network in Greece and participates in its organs.

Source: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ

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