Ekweremadus: Those people can kill me, I want to remain in the UK – Nwamini

David Nwamini, the would-be kidney donor in the organ trafficking case that sent Senator Ike Ekweremadu60, to jail, has said he wanted to remain and work in the UK, as “they could arrest me or kill me in Nigeria”.

His impact statement was read in court, at the sentencing that saw Ekweremaduhis wife, Beatrice, 56, and the doctor-middleman, Obinna Obeta, 51, jailed, 10 years and 8 months, 4 years and six months, and 10 years, respectively.

The three were found guilty at the Old Bailey of conspiring to arrange the travel of a young man with a view to exploiting him for his body part.

The Ekweremadus’ 25-year-old daughter, Sonia, has a severe kidney disease. It was for her the donor was sourced and brought to the UK.

According to David, he was approached with an opportunity to work in the UK, which he had always dreamed of but never thought would happen.

“He (Dr Obina Obeta) did not tell me he brought me here for this reason. He did not tell me anything about this.

“I would have not agreed to any of this. My body is not for sale.

“I worry for my safety in Nigeria. Those people can do anything. I think they could arrest me or kill me in Nigeria.

“My plan now is to work and to get an education and to play football,” David said, adding that he does not want to claim compensation from the “bad people” as it would be “cursed and bad luck”.

He also said someone visited his father in Nigeria and asked the father to get him to drop the case.

Although it is lawful to donate a kidney, it becomes criminal if there is a reward.

The Ekweremadu were arrested on June 21 last year as they arrived at Heathrow Airport.

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