El DeBarge Kicks Off NPR Music’s Black History Month Celebration

Patti LaBelle, Too $hort, and Pastor Shirley Caesar are also set to release Tiny Desk concerts later this month.

For Black History Month, NPR Music had a stacked slate of legacy artists performing a Tiny Desk concert for the first time. El DeBarge, whose Tiny Desk set premiered earlier today (Feb. 4), was the first to kick off the festivities. Joining him will be Catherine Russell on Friday, Feb. 11, Too $hort on Wednesday, Feb. 16, Patti LaBelle on Friday, Feb. 18, and closing out the performances will be Pastor Shirley Caesar on Friday, Feb. 25.

In addition to the highly-anticipated virtual shows, other respected legends will be partaking in cultural conversations with NPR’s new limited video series, Black History is Everywhere. Singer-turned-chef, Kelis, will discuss food and gardening within the Black community with self-proclaimed “Gangsta Gardener,” Ron Finley. Meanwhile, Taraji P. Henson will discuss Black hair, beauty, and entrepreneurship with journalist and great-great-grandchild of Madame C.J. Walker, A’Lelia Bundles.

“For this year’s celebration of Black History Month, we delve deeper into the true history of music and culture. Each of our five Tiny Desk home concerts is by an artist who has helped define Black music as we know it today,” stated NPR Music’s Bobby Carter, producer of the specially curated Tiny Desk concerts.

Additionally, two Tiny Desk playlists will be curated by social influencer Alexis Nikole Nelson and renowned gospel sensation, Kirk Franklin. NPR Music contributor Lara Downes is set to curate a playlist entitled “Black Voices in American Music.”

Closing out the series of events will be a special episode of Jazz Night in America profiling gospel pianist and vocalist Damien Sneed. Watch El DeBarge’s Tiny Desk concert above and check out the full schedule of performances below, subject to change.

WEEK 1:  

Friday 2/4: Lara Downes: “Black Voices….” Playlist
Friday 2/4: El Debarge Tiny Desk

WEEK 2:  

Thursday, 2/10: Tiny Desk Playlist by Alexis Nelson
Friday, 2/11: Catherine Russell Tiny Desk

WEEK 3:  

TBD: Kelis x Ron Finley Video
Wednesday, 2/16: Too $hort Tiny Desk
Friday, 2/18: Patti Labelle Tiny Desk

WEEK 4:  

TBD: Taraji P. Henson x A’Lelia Bundles Video
Thursday, 2/24: Tiny Desk Playlist: Kirk Franklin
Friday, 2/25: Pastor Shirley Caesar Tiny Desk

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