Elden Ring is now Steam’s most wishlisted game

The Tarnished and the Elden Lord in Elden Ring

(Image credit: FromSoftware)

Elden Ring has become Steam’s most wishlisted game.

All year long, Dying Light 2 has topped the chart – it reportedly knocked Cyberpunk 2077 off the perch in December 2020 and has remained there ever since – but sometime in the last week, From Software’s eagerly-anticipated action RPG has claimed the top spot, just a few weeks ahead of the release date of both games.

Valve doesn’t provide hard figures to substantiate the claims, so we can’t analyze them in granular detail, and Steam users have to remove their own preferences to see the unfiltered list. Interestingly enough, though, SteamDB‘s own chart – which doesn’t always tally with Valve’s – intimates the same line-up.

As for what else Steam players have their eye on? The third, fourth, and fifth most wishlisted games are Party Animals, God of War, and Hollow Knight: Silksong respectively, with the rest of the top ten populated by The Day Before, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2, Stalker 2: Heart of Chernobyl, Starfield, and Frostpunk 2, in that order.

Game of Thrones creator and the mind behind the story of Elden Ring, recently took to his personal blog to call the action RPG “incredible”.

Did you know the character creation screen from Elden Ring allegedly leaked online earlier today? Reportedly filmed during a closed network test, the character customization system is pretty much entirely blanked out. This means there’s no way of knowing what, exactly, can be modified, but YouTuber ER-SA took over six minutes to kindly go through every blanked-out option – from toggles and buttons to full-on sliders – to give us an idea of what the system just might offer.

ICYMI, a consumer survey – reportedly from Elden Ring developer From Software – has revealed a new Armored Core installment is in development.

While it didn’t reveal the game’s name – right now, it seems several titles (mostly “Armored Core: ” are in consideration – the survey did detail a description about the game, as well as reveal eight screenshots and two 30-second “videos of gameplay”, too. 

Elden Ring’s final launch might be less than two months away on February 25, 2022, but there’s still plenty more to learn about the new game.

Vikki Blake

Part of GR+’s news crew, Vikki is a (jumpy) survival horror survivalist with a penchant for sci-fi, shooters, thrillers, and a strong cup of Yorkshire tea. A committed Guardian and Spartan, she’s terrible at FPSs, but loves ’em all the same.

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