Eli Tomac Sets Up GoFundMe For Former Mechanic Brian Kranz

Main image is from the 2020 Monster Energy AMA Supercross finale, when Tomac and Kranz wrapped up their maiden 450SX title together. 

Eli Tomac took to Instagram over the weekend to share some news about his former mechanic. Brian Kranz, Tomac’s long-time mechanic, has three lumps—one on his armpit, one near his heart, and one on his thyroid (back of neck) and has been diagnosed with Tcell ALL – Acute Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. Tomac and Kranz worked as a rider-mechanic duo from 2010 through the 2021 season as they shared their success on the racetrack together. The two are one of the most iconic rider/mechanic duos and ranks second on the all-time AMA Supercross and Motocross wins list together.

Read: All-Time Rider & Mechanic Duos, Counting Race Wins

At the end of 2021, Tomac moved to the Monster Energy Yamaha Star Racing team for 2022, and Kranz took a position in the race shop, ending their rider-mechanic time after 11 years. But their time together built a strong friendship past the track.

Now, Tomac has setup a GoFundMe page for Kranz to help cover the medical bills his good friend will receive while undergoing treatment.

View the GoFundMe for Brian Kranz

Check out the full post from the GoFundMe page below:

Brian Kranz’s Medical Bills

My name is Eli Tomac, I’m reaching out to the motocross community to ask for help for my buddy and longtime mechanic, Brian Kranz. Brian and I began working together in 2010. Brian was my mechanic for 11 years, we’re the second longest standing rider/mechanic relationship in the industry. Brian is the realest guy I know, he’s a true friend and would do anything for his family, friends and team. When Brian was my mechanic, I knew without a doubt that my bike was safe and ready to go. Brian took his job to heart and he dedicated everything to his role as my mechanic.

Now the one who always kept me safe and ready to race is in the fight of his life. On August 29, Brian noticed a small lump in his armpit, he pointed it out to his wife Abbey and they didn’t think much of it. Just days later, the lump nearly tripled in size and they knew something wasn’t right. Brian called his primary care physician and was able to get an appointment on September 9. Brian received a chest x-ray that was flagged for abnormalities, so he went in for a CT scan. When the results of the CT scan came back, the doctor told Brian to immediately find an oncologist and schedule a biopsy. The biopsy was on September 21, the next day, the doctor called and with urgency told Brian to immediately head to the emergency room. Brian and Abbey went to the ER and Brian was admitted, he’s been in the hospital since. Brian has been diagnosed with Tcell ALL – Acute Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. This is a rare, yet aggressive form of cancer that has taken a hold of Brian’s body. He has a lump in his armpit, one near his heart and one on his thyroid. Doctors have created an intensive chemotherapy regimen in effort to combat this cancer as quickly and aggressively as possible. Brian was admitted to the hospital on September 23 and began his chemotherapy treatments on September 27. He will have 4 weeks of the most intensive treatments in the hospital. When Brian is released, he will continue to receive treatment for 5 months that will be approximately 4 hours a day, 4 times a week. The road to recovery isn’t going to be easy, but if anyone is up for the fight, it’s Brian. The doctors have stated that if Brian survives treatment, there is a 70% cure rate. There isn’t anything that Brian wants more than to live out the rest of his life healthy while enjoying his awesome wife Abbey and three beautiful kids – Keira (9), Chloe (6) & Corbin (4).

As if the stress and anxiety of this current situation isn’t bad enough – there is added stress with regards to Brian’s insurance coverage. Brian does not have cancer treatment coverage, so every single penny spent on treatment, care, medications and more will be billed to the Kranz family for them to pay out of pocket. There’s no telling now exactly what the financial ramifications will be, but they’re expecting hundreds of thousands in medical bills. This is why I’m reaching out to you – our motocross community. Brian needs our help, we can’t let him face this alone. If you can, please consider donating towards Brian’s medical bills. I would love to see our community come together and help to ease the financial burden that he is feeling – let’s do this!

Donate to the Brian Kranz GoFundMe

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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