Ellie Goulding writing classical album

Ellie Goulding is writing a classical album.

The ‘Starry Eyed’ hitmaker is “always” writing new songs but is looking to take her music in a number of different directions because as well as moving away from pop on her next project, she’s also keen to pen scores for movies.

She told The Sun newspaper: “I’m always writing new music.

“I think my natural state is to always come up with ideas and I’ll get in the studio at some point.

“Since I wrote [upcoming album] ‘Higher Than Heaven’ a while ago during lockdown, I’m very ready to write new music.

“I’ve always wanted to compose music for films, so at the moment I’m focusing on more classical.

“I have a half finished classical album that I look forward to releasing at some point.”

The 36-year-old singer has teamed up with Calvin Harris for the third time on her latest single ‘Miracle’ and she admitted the trance track came “out of the blue” but she almost missed out on the collaboration by “playing it a bit too cool”.

She explained: “This one came slightly out of the blue.

“He said that he had the track and immediately thought of me for it.

“Calvin doesn’t like to mess around so he sent the song in the next message

“I accidentally played it a bit too cool and didn’t reply for a few days so he thought I wasn’t into it.

“We recorded the vocal in January. We both think it’s really important to be in the same room when making music.

“I didn’t feel any pressure because both of us are at a point in our careers where we can put out stuff that we love, and is authentic to us.”

Meanwhile, Ellie wants to follow Coldplay – who offset as much of their carbon footprint as possible on their ‘Music of the Spheres’ world tour with initiatives including planting trees and using electricity partly powered by fan-ridden kinetic bikes – and address environmental concerns in some way with her next concert series.

She said: “Touring has such a huge carbon footprint. It’s so important for me, and other artists to try and do as much as possible to reduce it.

“Venues often still don’t cater to this, which I don’t think is setting a good enough example.

“Artists, venues, promoters and agents should all work together to be as green as possible.

“We have to set the precedent for the next generation of performers.”

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