Elodie reveals the truth about Marracash: “Because it's over …”

January 27, 2022 – 11:17

The singer, former face of Amici, has broken the silence on the end of the relationship with the rapper. The absence of a future life plan

Elodie rivela la verità su Marracash:

She will not be among the protagonists of the next Sanremo festival, but the magazine covers are all for her. Elodie climbs the charts and grinds hits, but love said stop. After the end of the relationship with Marracash, the singer has decided to take some time for herself and to see her name juxtaposed with that of a model or another singer. “ Right now I just need to be alone “, he declared in the last interview released to the weekly Grazia , who dedicated the cover to her.

Last November Elodie had been paparazzi in tender attitudes with the model Davide Rossi, just in the days when the rumors of a break with Marracash had intensified. According to the well-informed, the couple had already distanced themselves from October, but the confirmation of the farewell to the pop couple came only when the rapper released his latest album “ Us, Them, The Others “, where Elodie also appeared on the cover. “ We broke up during the making of the record – he had told the Corriere della Sera in the Crazy Love video we stage the end of our relationship and kill each other “.

On the reasons for the breakup , however, the two had kept the utmost confidentiality, speaking of mutual esteem and affection. To break the silence, almost three months after the farewell, it was now Elodie, who in the magazine Grazia explained: “N we have never lived together and I can’t think of myself and he parents, what unites us is too absolute, there could be no room for a third child, he would have come into the world from a crazy vital drive, but do you know how many problems he would have had? “. The crisis would have started from the singer born in the school of Amici di Maria De Filippi , who would not have been able to glimpse a common life project with the rapper outside the couple . Reflections that led her to make the final decision: “ The crises are mine, but then the others suffer too. So it happened with Fabio “.

The couple nevertheless remained on excellent terms. The two exchange likes and comments on social networks and Elodie continues to consider Marracash “ family , between me and him, our love is not finished, it is transformed “, declared herself in the interview. For the moment for her, however, there is only mucisa (with the next single out in March) and the debut as actress in the film by Pippo Mezzapesa, “ I eat your heart “.

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