Elon Musk: His joke about Jeff Bezos is the most sobering thing you will read today

Elon Musk is once again the richest man in the world, even before Jeff Bezos. As we already know, the Tesla – Founders like to attract attention in every imaginable way, and therefore he took the opportunity to skilfully tease an old rival.

The Being the richest person in the world is nothing new to Elon Musk, and both he and Bezos will likely take turns in first place in the years to come. If he was excited about the news the first time, the SpaceX CEO is now joking about it. (More on this: Elon Musk: Again the richest person in the world – but something is different)

When “Forbes” magazine, which publishes the list of the richest people, informed Elon Musk by email that he was number one on the list with a fortune of more than 200 billion, he reacted to surprising things Way. “I’m going to send Jeffrey B. a huge statue with a 2 and a silver medal.”

Elon Musk proves once again that he is unpredictable

The strangest thing of all is that the joke was via email and not Twitter, even though he was guaranteed to know that the whole world would find out anyway – as if “Forbes” wouldn’t publish its answer! (Read also: Elon Musk vs. Jeff Bezos: The New Race in Space Escalates (Again) )

Now we just have to wait and see whether it is just a joke in theory or rather in practice and whether he actually dares to send Bezos the consolation prize described. With any other billionaire we wouldn’t think that’s possible, but with Elon Musk you never know.

The article “Elon Musk: su broma sobre Jeff Bezos es lo más sobrado que verás hoy” by Guillermina Carro first appeared on GQ Espana.

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