Elon Musk's invention to avoid traffic congestion in Las Vegas has already had its first traffic jam

The South African tycoon, Canadian and American national, created in that US city the well-known Vegas Loop, a monorail tunnel to avoid long lines in the streets. However, it filled up with cars and got stuck.

Monday, January 10, 2022 hs

Elon Musk, through “The Boring Company” in Las Vegas created the monorail tunnel called Vegas Loop. This was done to avoid those streets with crowds of vehicles , the particular thing about this is that it already had its first traffic jam.


As reported by the portal La Vanguardia, the co-founder of Paypal and CEO of Tesla, put these tunnels into operation since last year and so far they had not accused any inconvenience.

However, the celebration of CES -the consumer electronics fair- that was held in Las Vegas, in Nevada city in the United States attracted a high number of vehicles at the LVCC -Las Vegas Convention Center – West Station, which leads directly to the convention. There was so much the number of vehicles that a traffic jam was formed precisely in the place where they were never going to be produced.

 Archivo Clarín

It was not the worst of the lines, since only lasted a few minutes of a single day, but it did leave a confusing image with the original idea of ​​Musk. One of the drivers who was trapped in the Loop recorded the images and uploaded them to social networks, where they quickly became viral.

Too many vehicles in a very narrow tunnel

The reason for this unforeseen event is that The Boring Company is using 70 Tesla vehicles to serve the influx of attendees this year. And this amount of cars is too much for the Loop that connects to CES, which was promised a two-minute journey and actually take almost twice as long. By this it is understood that it has been a specific event.


The main reason that worries users is not because of the traffic jam itself, but because of the design of these tunnels. In the images you can see that these are very narrow – they only have one lane – and there is little room for maneuver in the event of an accident or fire.

Although there is nothing to worry about, the same company was in charge of explaining on its website that there are several fire safety protocols inside the tunnel. The location has emergency exits, fire detection systems, fire extinguishing systems and a first aid emergency communication system with fire classification.

La Tierra, vista desde la Luna. (Nasa/Europa Press/DPA)

Sources close to Musk’s company assured that this first vehicular congestion has occurred due to exceptional circumstances and will not cause The Boring Company leaves Las Vegas. In fact, there are plans to continue building tunnels throughout the city: in October the expansion of the project was approved, which will go from the current three stations to a total of 51 and will also go from the 2.7 kilometers in force to 46 kilometers.

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