Emerson Bruno releases the single “Teu é o Reino” with the participation of Rafael Malta

After the excellent reception of the single Nosso Pai, which gained space in the playlists Gospel News, from Spotify, and Radar Gospel , Praise and Sound of Heaven , by Deezer, the singer Emerson Bruno

starts the month of October, this Friday (01), with the single Teu é o Reino.

– We are still reaping good results from this work, feedbacks and testimonies from people who have included the song in their devotional playlist. This makes me very happy and sure that obedience to God’s voice must overcome our personal fears – highlights Emerson.

With a congregational style, the song has the participation of the pastor Rafael Malta, who had an album produced by Emerson five years ago. From the partnership came a friendship that gave rise to the song Teu é o Reino.

– Rafael always introduces me to new possibilities and songs that the Lord gives him. In one of these he introduced me to the song Teu Reino, then we made a map of the song and a very nice arrangement, but the project stopped. In my planning I realized that she would talk and complement the single Our Father for talking about the Kingdom of God. Then I asked if he would make the song available and he released it and then I went further and invited him to do this collab and the recording was in an incredible worship atmosphere. So we split up the song.

According to Emerson Bruno, the track wasn’t part of his release planning, but he confesses that God showed it was the right time to release it. there. Responsible for keyboards and music production, Emerson had a heavyweight team with each one imprinting their personality on the project: Josivaldo Santos (drums), Saulo Aguiar (bass), Felipe Moreira (guitar), Adelso Freire (strings) and the trio formed by Hedy Barbosa, Paloma Possi and Paulo Zuckini on back-vocals.

Although the song doesn’t have a video clip yet, Emerson already says that he intends to release another single until the end this year.

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