Eminem’s ‘Without Me’ Is Up More Than 300% In Sales Thanks To His New Smash

UNSPECIFIED – JANUARY 01: Photo of EMINEM (Photo by Sal Idriss/Redferns)


Eminem’s new single “Houdini” became an instant hit the moment it debuted on the Billboard charts. The rapper’s latest launch opens inside the highest tier on almost every ranking it appears on, making it an immediate win.

As “Houdini” blasts onto the weekly rankings and gives the hip-hop staple one more huge win, another, related cut from Eminem returns. Fans of the rapper returned to his song “Without Me,” turning it into a bestseller once more and helping its sales count explode.

In the past tracking week, “Without Me” sold a little less than 1,250 copies in the U.S., according to Luminate. That’s up 309% from the tracking period prior, when it sold just over 300 copies.

Many of Eminem’s biggest singles are on the rise, as the release of “Houdini” and the beginning of a new chapter of the rapper’s career is very exciting. But followers had a specific reason why they revisited “Without Me” in particularly impressive numbers.

“Houdini” interpolates “Without Me,” which Eminem superfans caught immediately. The fact that the musician used his own material in his latest launch was also a story that caught the media’s attention, and all the articles written about the self-reference helped spread the information, likely leading to even more sales of the tune.

All the purchases of “Without Me” aid the single’s return to several Billboard charts. The track reappears on both the R&B/Hip-Hop Digital Song Sales and Rap Digital Song Sales rankings this time around.

“Without Me” isn’t new to either of those purchase-focused rosters, but it’s performing better than ever before. Eminem’s smash reaches a new peak on those two lists, as it reappears at No. 7 on both of them at the same time.

Eminem released “Without Me” in 2002 as the lead single from his album The Eminem Show. The song peaked at No. 2 on the Hot 100 in America, but it was even more successful all around the world, as it hit No. 1 in many countries. The cut has remained a favorite among fans for more than two decades, and it’s returned to several Billboard rankings from time to time.

ForbesEminem’s New Single Debuts At No. 1 On 10 Billboard Charts SimultaneouslyBy Hugh McIntyre

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