#EndBadGovernance: Suspend any further protest now – Tinubu begs Nigerians

President Bola Tinubu has called on organizers of the #endbadgovernance nationwide protests to suspend any further demonstrations immediately.

The president made the call in a nationwide broadcast to Nigerians on Sunday while reacting to the loss of lives and destruction of property during the protests.

Since Thursday, Nigerians have trooped out en-masse to protest against bad governance, economic hardship and hunger.

Read: 13 People Reportedly Killed, Hundreds Arrested In Nigeria During Protests Over Economic Crisis

In his address, Tinubu said he has heard the cries of Nigerians while pleading for the protest to be suspended to create room for dialogue.

“I hereby enjoin protesters and the organisers to suspend any further protest and create room for dialogue, which I have always acceded to at the slightest opportunity.

“I am pained by the loss of lives in Borno, Jigawa, Kano, Kaduna and other states, the destruction of public facilities in some states, and the wanton looting of supermarkets and shops, contrary to the promise of protest organisers that the protest would be peaceful across the country. The destruction of properties sets us back as a nation, as scarce resources will be again used to restore them.

“I commiserate with the families and relations of those who have died in the protests. We must stop further bloodshed, violence and destruction.

” I have heard you loud and clear. I understand the pain and frustration that drive these protests, and I want to assure you that our government is committed to listening and addressing the concerns of our citizens.

“But we must not let violence and destruction tear our nation apart. We must work together to build a brighter future, where every Nigerian can live with dignity and prosperity”.

Read the Full text of President Tinubu’s 7am broadcast to Nigerians Here.

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