Engineering, Maximo Ibarra is the new CEO and Massimo Cunico the Cfo

(Teleborsa) – Engineering has formalized the appointment of Maximo Ibarra as CEO of Group and approved the appointment of Massimo Cunico as CFO . The Board has conferred full powers and operational proxies to the former CEO of Sky Italia, already designated by the shareholders’ meeting on 20 April 2021. Ibarra takes over from Paolo Pandozy, while Cunico takes over the position that belonged to Armando Iorio.

“It is an extraordinary time of change, full of opportunities. Technologies can and must quickly bring benefits to everyone “, said the new CEO, adding that the company is a” champion of Digital Transformation “and” is ready to amplify the positive effects of these changes on citizens, industry and services. “.

For Maximo Ibarra, joining the Group as CEO also represents the beginning of his entrepreneurial career as a partner of the Group’s shareholder funds, Bain Capital and Neuberger Berman Renaissance Partners.

In addition to his most recent experience at the helm of Sky Italia, Maximo Ibarra, 52, was Chief Executive Officer of KPN until 2019. He previously held the position of CEO of Wind Tre. Today he also leads the B20 Digital Transformation task force, is a member of the Mediobanca Board of Directors and a professor of Digital Marketing at LUISS Guido Carli.

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