EPL: He’s really hurt – Reece James’ father reveals son’s ambition at Chelsea

The father of Chelsea defender, Reece James, Nigel, has revealed that his son is not planning an exit from the west London club any time soon as he wants to be the Blues’ captain in the near future.

According to Nigel, his son was hurt over Chelsea’s poor 2022/23 campaign.

Recall that Chelsea failed to qualify for the 2023/24 Champions League season after finishing in the second half of the Premier League table.

Speaking on Podcast TBG, Nigel said: “His ambition is to wear Chelsea armband and captain the side.

“It broke his heart the season that we had just gone. Losing games… it really hurt him.”

James is a product of Chelsea’s academy and his senior career at Stamford Bridge started in 2018.

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