Eruption of Cumbre Vieja: spectacular images of its lava flows

The eruptions of the Cumbre Vieja volcano in the Canaries have reached the Atlantic, as was feared. This arrival of lava in contact with ocean waters is worrying because it is accompanied by the release of toxic gases and at the very least dangerous and unpleasant to breathe. It also extends the island of La Palma, a phenomenon well known for volcanic islands. A third eruptive mouth has just opened with a spectacular new flow.

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Eruption of Cumbre Vieja Cumbre Vieja erupted in La Palma in the Canary Islands archipelago. Such an event had not taken place for 50 years!

The hot spot of the Canary Islands continues to supply below.

In the Canaries, on the island of La Palma, the volcano is said to have destroyed 400 million euros of infrastructure, and no one knows when the eruption will end, but there is good news. constructions
and soils.

The Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

is not left out with spectacular images of the new flows taken by a drone.

New images of the flows including the one that started this night.

The new eruption filmed at night.

What probably concerns the authorities the most is the possible effects of gases
toxic emitted with lava.
broadcasts caused by the arrival in the Atlantic of these lavas, leading for example to the formation of

Lava from the Cumbre Vieja volcano continues to accumulate in the ocean, the surface of the island of La Palma increases. European Copernicus satellites , the language of igneous rocks resulting which we observe already measures nearly 338 hectares, illustrating by what mechanism islands can reach the ocean. Hawaii
or Iceland.

Fortunately, for the moment, the winds are carrying away the gases of this language and, outside the safety exclusion space defined by the authorities, banana growers can harvest or water the plantations.

The volcanologists
continue their work by analyzing the geochemical and geophysical data of the eruption and scrutinize with the
minerals present in the fresh lavas to progress in the knowledge of the mechanisms eruptive

New spectacular images of lava in the Atlantic. © Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

Eruption of Cumbre Vieja: lava flows reach the sea, emitting toxic gases

Article from Laurent Sacco
published on 09/30/2021

After marking a short rest period , the eruptions of the Cumbre Vieja volcano in La Palma have resumed again and as expected, they reached the sea. This arrival of lava in contact with the waters of the Atlantic is worrying because it is accompanied by a release of gas toxic and at the very least dangerous and unpleasant to breathe.

Since September 19 we have been witnessing a specta eruption cular on the island of La Palma in the Canaries. She would undoubtedly have driven the youngster

The lavas of Cumbre Vieja degas at sea and cause the formation of water vapor plumes. © Euronews (in French)

Lava flows reach the sea

As we explained in one of the previous articles below, By consulting the records of the island’s eruptions, one can expect that of Cumbre Vieja to last from 24 to 84 days. However, its lava has just reached the sea, which is potentially worrying although not catastrophic. Lava thus reaches the Pacific Ocean, often in Hawaii for example.

As also explained in the video of Euronews, above, the Cumbre Vieja flows reached the sea this night on Playa Nueva beach. In response, the local authorities declared an exclusion zone at sea with a radius of more than three kilometers and invited some of the inhabitants of the island to stay at home.

Sea water containing in particular chlorides, we know that thermal shock with lava at more than 1,000 ° C will not only produce white clouds of microscopic droplets of water but also hydrochloric acid which is dangerous for people already suffering from respiratory problems.

Spectacular images of lava in the Atlantic. © Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

An animation and explanations for the risks with lava flows arriving at sea. To obtain a fairly accurate French translation, click on the white rectangle in bottom right. Subtitles in Spanish should then appear. Then click on the nut to the right of the rectangle, then on “Subtitles” and finally on “Translate automatically”. Choose “French”. © Television Canaria

Eruption of Cumbre Vieja: spectacular images of its lava flows

Article by Laurent Sacco published on 09/28/2021

Eruptions of the Cumbre Vieja volcano in La Palma continue and the island’s airport has been temporarily closed due to volcanic ash emissions. The flows are progressing towards the sea, which worries the authorities of this island which is part of the Canary Islands archipelago in the Atlantic. However, no worries about the cloud of sulfur dioxide going back over Europe and France.

There is still no reason to think that we should fear a devastating tsunami caused by a

For the first time, flights have been canceled, one from Madrid, the other six to neighboring islands, due to the large ash cloud released by the Cumbre Vieja volcano. liquids acids may irritate the skin,

eyes and respiratory tract, and may cause difficulty in people with pre-existing respiratory illnesses.

The Lava Encounter at more than 1,000 ° C with the sea at 20 ° C would produce a thermal shock generating not only columns of water vapor charged with hydrochloric acid but also small particles of volcanic glass as a result of the reaction between the lava and Seawater.

However, still no worries with clouds containing sulfur dioxide arriving in Europe

The Instituto Geológico y Minero de España has uploaded impressive images of the volcanic activity of the volcano taken using drones and several videos on Twitter show impressive fountains of lava by day, which can rise to hundreds of meters in height, and lava flows glowing at night.

© Instituto Geológic

© Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

Eruption of Cumbre Vieja: spectacular images of the lava flows that worry

Article by Laurent Sacco published on 09/25/2021

lava at sea.

A huge explosion heard on the morning of September 24.

The lava flows of the Canary Islands volcano continue to carry everything in their path down towards the coast of the Spanish island of La Palma, where their arrival is feared because of the possible emission of toxic gases. © Euronews

Volcanic activity that can last from 24 to 84 days

Toxic gases, it also emerges at the level of the eruptive mouth of Cumbre Vieja as explained on its page Facebook the Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias

. Its volcanologists and geochemists estimate an emission rate of sulphur dioxide , SO 2 , between 6.140 and 11,500 tonnes per day. But even if clouds of this gas are rising over Europe and France, there is currently no danger. We need much more gas emissions.

Satellite data allow us to estimate that the area affected by the lava flows of the current eruption exceeds the 154 hectares. The question arises as to how far the flows will go, which supposes being able to estimate for how long the eruptive activity will continue.

Still on his page, the Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias

gives estimates drawn from the study of past archives of volcano eruptions and compiled since Spanish colonization . Volcanologists believe that one can reasonably expect an activity extending over a period of 24 and 84 days, with an average value for its duration
of 55 days .

The sulfur dioxide cloud is expected to fly over the south of France this Friday, September 24.

As we explained in the previous article below, there is still no reason to be concerned about the occurrence of a

A very complete report on the eruption in the Canaries. To obtain a fairly accurate French translation, click on the white rectangle at the bottom right. Subtitles in Spanish should then appear. Then click on the nut to the right of the rectangle, then on “Subtitles” and finally on “Translate automatically”. Choose “French”. © TelevisionCanaria

Eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano in the Canaries: should we fear a megatsunami?

Article by Laurent Sacco published on September 20, 2021

The Cumbre Vieja volcano in La Palma has just erupted. While many images show the lava fountains and flows emitted by the

20 years ago, the geologist and geophysicist Simon Day and Steven N. Ward published in Geophysical Research Letters an article – which was to generate much ink – in which the two men claimed that the western flank of the Cumbre Vieja volcano in La Palma is unstable, and that ‘a landslide could occur. megatsunami capable of causing very significant damage on the other side of the Atlantic in particular was to be feared.

Let us recall that the island of La Palma is part of the Canary Islands archipelago which is a series of islands approximately aligned along a west-east axis, and which extends to the north-east by a series of mounts hotspot.

La Palma is subject to substantial seismic and volcanological monitoring because there is a stratovolcano on which there is an active volcanic fissure at the level of the Cumbre Vieja

, Spanish toponym which literally means in French “Old summit”.

Cumbre Vieja, a volcano located in the Canaries, has erupted.

But, precisely, the seismic activity since September at the Cumbre Vieja volcano worried volcanologists.

because the island had been bulged by six centimeters in the seismically active zone.

The concerns of the researchers proved to be justified because this Sunday, September 19 an eruption did indeed begin at Cumbre Vieja at 3:15 p.m. local time (2:15 p.m.

Le GMT était la référence de temps pour la marine anglaise. Il est considéré comme le Temps Universel depuis 1884….” data-more=”Lire la suite” data-number=”” data-title=”GMT” data-tooltip=”” data-url=”” href=””> GMT ). Le GMT était la référence de temps pour la marine anglaise. Il est considéré comme le Temps Universel depuis 1884….” data-more=”Lire la suite” data-number=”” data-title=”GMT” data-tooltip=”” data-url=”” href=””>Television footage, especially during the night, showed several impressive lava fountains as well as several flows which necessitated the evacuation of several villages and reached a road below. Le GMT était la référence de temps pour la marine anglaise. Il est considéré comme le Temps Universel depuis 1884….” data-more=”Lire la suite” data-number=”” data-title=”GMT” data-tooltip=”” data-url=”” href=””>Thousands of people have been evacuated at this stage but these eruptions being effusive, without fiery clouds and without powerful explosions, one should not fear victims.

To obtain a fairly accurate French translation, click on the white rectangle at the bottom right. Le GMT était la référence de temps pour la marine anglaise. Il est considéré comme le Temps Universel depuis 1884….” data-more=”Lire la suite” data-number=”” data-title=”GMT” data-tooltip=”” data-url=”” href=””>Subtitles in Spanish should then appear. Le GMT était la référence de temps pour la marine anglaise. Il est considéré comme le Temps Universel depuis 1884….” data-more=”Lire la suite” data-number=”” data-title=”GMT” data-tooltip=”” data-url=”” href=””>Then click on the nut to the right of the rectangle, then on “Subtitles” and finally on “Translate automatically”. Le GMT était la référence de temps pour la marine anglaise. Il est considéré comme le Temps Universel depuis 1884….” data-more=”Lire la suite” data-number=”” data-title=”GMT” data-tooltip=”” data-url=”” href=””>Choose “French”. Le GMT était la référence de temps pour la marine anglaise. Il est considéré comme le Temps Universel depuis 1884….” data-more=”Lire la suite” data-number=”” data-title=”GMT” data-tooltip=”” data-url=”” href=””>©

A megatsunami crossing the Atlantic?

There remains of course the question of the occurrence of a megatsunami.

Le GMT était la référence de temps pour la marine anglaise. Il est considéré comme le Temps Universel depuis 1884….” data-more=”Lire la suite” data-number=”” data-title=”GMT” data-tooltip=”” data-url=”” href=””>In fact, as Futura already explained in 2005 in the previous article below, it is highly unlikely. Le GMT était la référence de temps pour la marine anglaise. Il est considéré comme le Temps Universel depuis 1884….” data-more=”Lire la suite” data-number=”” data-title=”GMT” data-tooltip=”” data-url=”” href=””>This fear is a sea serpent that has steadily surfaced in the media for years and is greatly exaggerated so that it has been refuted to from many times .

No remains no less than Luis González de Vallejo, director of the Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias (INVOLVCAN), felt obligated to set the record straight on the Institute’s Facebook page . Le GMT était la référence de temps pour la marine anglaise. Il est considéré comme le Temps Universel depuis 1884….” data-more=”Lire la suite” data-number=”” data-title=”GMT” data-tooltip=”” data-url=”” href=””>Here are some excerpts from a translation of its development:

” recent reactivation
volcanic in La Palma again sparked debate over the stability of the island’s western flank. . recurring question for decades, causing concern in society.

For 20 years … the possibility of a great collapse of the western flank of Cumbre Vieja and following it, the generation of a megatsunami has been broadcast … Although this hypothesis was contested and rejected by many researchers subsequently, surprisingly some media continue to speak of this catastrophic event.

So that the flank of Cumbre Vieja manages to meet conditions close to the instability, it would simultaneously require a earthquake of magnitude exceptionally high and a large-scale explosive volcanic eruption … the probability of an eruption with a high explosive rate and both of a large

The eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano on the island of La Palma in the Canaries threatens the tourist coastal areas which have been evacuated. Lava flows could cause fires. © euronews (in French)

Several direct available on Youtube show footage of the eruption for several hours and through the night of September 19-20.

Tsunami in the Atlantic? About the volcano of La Palma in the Canaries

Article by Michel Olagnon, Ifremer, published on 01/18/2005

Following the tidal waves of tide devastating December 26, 2004, the question of the danger of encountering tsunamis in the Atlantic has resurfaced. In particular, questions are raised about the possible collapse of the Cumbre Vieja volcano in La Palma in the Canaries. The following few lines present my personal analysis of this affair.

In September 2000, researchers at University College London contacted the British Minister of Science Lord Sainsbury to warn him that the collapse of a volcano in the Canaries could send a

An unstable flank

The western flank of the Cumbre Vieja volcano in La Palma is undoubtedly unstable, but half a dozen top eruptions can still occur before it collapses (Prof. Bill McGuire).

A Swiss model would have indicated that the landslide would create a mega-tsunami.

operating system, or user.

650 meters of initial amplitude

Knowing that the highest ever reached by a

infinite, c ‘that is to say that the wave seems to move in one block, and at a speed given by the root formula (gd) depending on the
severity and depth, which gives 200 m / s, or 720 km / h for a An honest scientist cannot therefore rule out the risk of a tsunami, or even a mega-tsunami in the Atlantic.

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Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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