“Essentials of Diagnosis, Treatment and Application of Cardiac and Peripheral Vascular Diseases” is About to be Released on Amazon, Barnes & Noble Nook and Apple Books

“Essentials of Diagnosis, Treatment and Application of Cardiac and Peripheral Vascular Diseases” is About to be Released on Amazon, Barnes & Noble Nook and Apple Books

New York, NY, October 01, 2021 –(PR.com)– The physical version of the medical research book, “Essentials of Diagnosis, Treatment, and Application of Cardiac and Peripheral Vascular Diseases (Theories, Cases and Analysis),” was published by American Harmony Medical Academic Publisher (AHMAP) on July 26, 2021. Due to its high demand from the medical field and academic researchers, AHMAP has decided to publish its E-book version on a variety of E-book platforms including Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, Lulu Book Store, Apple Books, etc.

As commented by Michael Brunet, AHMAP’s Content Strategist, “Essentials of Diagnosis, Treatment, and Application of Cardiac and Peripheral Vascular Diseases,” is a must-read book for all specialists and trainees as the book is loaded with tips, tricks and expert solutions to everyday clinical problems of cardiac and peripheral vascular disease. It covers basic principles, diagnostic strategic, ultrasound and preoperative and postoperative care methods, giving readers the tools to successfully manage all types of Cardiac and Peripheral Vascular Diseases.

The authors of the book, Yan Lv, Xi Li, Yi Fang, Yuchen Jing and Wang Hao are experienced clinicians from the First Hospital of China Medical University. They have provided short, focused chapters so that busy practitioners can quickly find the information they need when facing specific symptoms and manifestations of coronary heart disease, hypertension, other heart disease, abdominal aortic aneurysms and aortic dissecting aneurysm, etc. This is essential for interventional cardiologist, cardiology fellows and interventional radiologist who want to increase their knowledge and skills for the purpose of offering optimal care to their patients.

According to Simon Zhang, the Chief Editor of American Harmony Medical Academic Published, “Essentials of Diagnosis, Treatment, and Application of Cardiac and Peripheral Vascular Disease (Theories, Cases and Analysis),” is already available on Lulu E-book Store and will be available on other major E-book platforms by October 24, 2021.

American Harmony Medical Academic Publisher
Mingquan Zhang



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