Evan Rachel Wood to discuss Marilyn Manson abuse allegations in documentary

Evan Rachel Wood is to detail allegations of abuse against Marilyn Manson in a new documentary.

Last February, the Westworld actress issued a statement via social media in which she claimed the musician had been emotionally, physically, and sexually abusive during their relationship, which lasted from 2006 until 2010.

Soon after, four other women filed civil suits against Manson, with the cases still ongoing. Manson’s legal team has denied all allegations, and he has not been charged with any crime relating to sexual or domestic violence.

On Wednesday, Wood took to Instagram to announce that she has collaborated with filmmaker Amy Berg on Phoenix Rising, which explores her decision to testify before the California Senate to help pass the Phoenix Act in April 2019, as well as her choice to “name my abuser publicly”.

“I can finally share with the world. I have teamed up with @amy_berg on a project called Phoenix Rising. A documentary exploring aspects of my life, career, family, the passage of #ThePhoenixAct, and ultimately the decision to name my abuser publicly,” the 34-year-old wrote.

Phoenix Rising will premiere as part of the Sundance Film Festival on 24 January, and will also air on HBO in the spring.

“Wood lays bare her own history – not unfamiliar to the public, but told for the first time in Phoenix Rising in her own words, at her own pace,” a summary of the project reads. “Playing out in the California State Assembly and criminal courts, Wood’s efforts to affect systemic changes for future survivors prove her resilience, resistance, and rise from the ashes.”

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