Eveny Braga launches the single “Incomparable”, with the participation of Sandra Pires

Singer Eveny Braga launches the single “Incomparable”, with special participation of the singer Sandra Pires. Now you can listen to the song on all digital platforms and also watch the official music video on YouTube.

      • Listen to “Incomparable”, by Eveny Braga Feat. Sandra Pires,

      on digital platforms!

      “When I heard the composition of ‘Incomparable’, I immediately identified that the song deserved a cameo. The choice of Sandra Pires was an old desire and the Lord helped us make it come true. It was a project that was in the heart of God.” – declares Eveny Braga.

          The singer says that the purpose of song “Incomparable” is to announce that we must adore and recognize that all exaltation must be to God – The Almighty – The One who does not change, who does not make mistakes and who governs the entire Universe; One who has power over time: past, present and future. The one who is, in fact, the Owner of Life!

              The single “Incomparable” is a composition by Claudio Louvor. The official video clip, which is now available on YouTube, was recorded in Recife (PE) and on a beach in João Pessoa (PB), under the direction of Regis Lima. The musical production, in turn, was signed by Devid Benet. The overall production was conducted by Josielio Braga.

                  Watch the video clip “Incomparable”, by Eveny Braga Feat. Sandra Pires, on Youtube:

                    YouTube: Youtube.com/channel/

                    • By Alisson Rodovalho – Communication and Advertising Advisor.

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