Evil Chewbacca In The Book of Boba Fett Will Absolutely Be Back

Well, here I was on this gloomy Tuesday morning, slightly upset and mildly horrified by the sight of Jabba the Hutt’s cousins—who are twins, with a sort of Lil and Dil dynamic—early on in Episode Two of Disney+‘s The Book of Boba Fett. Then, something even more upsetting and horrifying popped up on the screen: Evil Chewbacca.

Accompanying Jabba the Hutt’s cousins during the confrontation between Boba and the Hutt twins is a Wookie with black fur, who mostly just makes angry faces at Boba and seems like he not only could, but wants to kick everyone’s ass. This might already be obvious to you, but upon a bit of research, I’ve found that—in the same way Baby Yoda is not an infant Yoda, just a wee-sized member of his species—Evil Chewbacca is not the Chewbacca we know with a jet-black paint job. This Wookie is named Black Krrsantan, who apparently has a history in the Star Wars comic books.

Black Krrsantan was first introduced in 2015’s Star Wars #15, and has since enjoyed a decent amount of action in the galaxy far, far away. In short: He really does operate like a dark-sided Chewbacca. Black Krrsantan effectively booted himself out of his home planet of Kashyyyk—and as we just saw in The Book of Boba Fett, got mixed up with the Hutt’s crime empire, working as a bounty hunter. Jabba the Hutt even asked him to track down Obi-Wan Kenobi, which could be a mission we glimpse in the Jedi’s upcoming Disney+ show. Black Krrsantan works for a handful of other meanies in further issues of Star Wars, even Dark Vader himself.

Anyway. We’re here to tell you that you’re not safe from Black Krrsantan, Evil Chewbacca, whatever you want to call him. He’ll be back, probably later on this season. When he is? Run, hide, and give your Baby Yoda plushie a squeeze.

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