[Exclusive] Does mold like Hetbahn?… The humiliation of the people 'Hetbahn'

‘Molded Hetbahn’ damage has been occurring one after another. It is not proud that it can be stored for a long time at room temperature without the addition of preservatives.

CJ CheilJedang has prided itself on its ‘sterile packaging technology’ as the secret to the taste of freshly cooked rice. But what about mold? Is there a hole in ‘aseptic packaging technology’?

▲ Expiration date is 1 A moldy look at CJ CheilJedang Hetbahn, which has been around for over a year.

Mr. A, an office worker, bought CJ Hetbahn at a large mart last August. The moment I opened the wrapping paper, I doubted my eyes. There was black mold growing on the Hetbahn. The product had a shelf life of over 1 year.

A said, “I felt like I was going to vomit the moment I saw it. This product has more than a year left before the expiration date. I bought it with confidence in a major brand, but I feel betrayed.”

An official from CJ CheilJedang explained, “It seems that mold is more likely to occur during distribution rather than manufacturing.”

Mold ‘Hetbahn’ ‘ is a topic of controversy every year in Ottogi. Mr. B, who recently opened Ottogi Hetbahn to eat with pork belly, was terribly surprised to see black mold. I can’t believe it’s mold. It was stored at room temperature, and there was no problem at all.”

▲ CJ CheilJedang Hetbahn expires in February next year. It’s moldy and dark.

In addition to Mr. A and Mr. B, similar complaints of damage can be easily found in online communities here and there.

Mr. C, who recently opened CJ Hetbahn to eat cup rice at lunchtime, was startled to see mold growing. Mr. D also bought CJ Hetbahn on 11th Street on July 11th, but the moment it was opened, the taste of the rice was completely covered with mold. However, the CJ CheilJedang customer center said that consultation was not possible until August 16. 11st, the place of purchase, only repeated the words, ‘Keep moldy food in the freezer’.”

▲ Ottogi with more than 1 year left before expiration date sunshine. mold grows and is ugly

In August, a consumer who bought Ottogi Hetbahn said, ‘I was going to roll up Hetbahn in ramen. At the moment mold is ;;’

The consumer said, “I bought a total of 3 Ottogi Hetbahn, I just threw them away” and “I lost my appetite”.

Ottogi official said, “Because it is made through the equalization process, mold is difficult to develop during the manufacturing process. It is for this reason that it can be stored for a long time at room temperature.”

UPI News / Reporter Kwak Mi-ryeong ayms7@upinews.kr

[저작권자ⓒ UPI뉴스. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

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