Exploration of the origin of uranium ingots from Nazi Germany

Before it came to Nazi Germany, the Allies disrupted this plan and seized uranium missiles that were at the heart of the plan. The fate of most of these ingots is unknown, but some have reached the United States and European countries . American chemists have developed a method for identifying the mine from which uranium came

פירוק הכור הגרעיני בהייגרלוך, גרמניה, אפריל 1945. מתוך ויקיפדיה

U.S. and British military forces captured some of Heisenberg’s uranium ingots in 1945, and more than six hundred ingots were sent to the United States. Some may have been used as part of the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Program – which was also launched in part for fear that Nazi Germany is making progress in its military nuclear program – and some have reached various research institutes and institutions. The PNNL Research Institute utilizes the samples in its possession to train the border guard forces as well as researchers in the field of nuclear forgery, in identifying nuclear material. It is believed that the source of these ingots is in Heisenberg’s laboratory, but this hypothesis is not verified. “We did not have any practical measurements to support this supposition,” says the researcher.

In order to determine the exact origin of the ingots, the researchers used an analytical method called radiochronometry, the nuclear version of a method used by geologists to determine the age of the samples in their possession. Based on the concentration of radioactive isotopes. When the ingots were made, they contained mostly pure uranium metal. As time went on, radioactive decay converted some of the uranium atoms into thorium atoms and protectinum atoms. The researchers adapted the analytical method used by geologists to separate and quantify more accurately the chemical elements in the ingots. The relative concentrations of the individual elements within the ingot will indicate the age of the entire ingot. In addition, researchers will be able to use this method to measure infections of other elements.

The researchers will be able to uncover the mine where the uranium was quarried, a finding that could point to the specific Nazi laboratory that was the source of the uranium. In addition, the researchers are testing the coating layer of the ingots designed to reduce the oxidation of the ingot. Researchers recently found that a uranium ingot at the University of Maryland is coated with a layer of styrene – an unexpected finding since the Heisenberg research group used a cyanide-based coating rather than styrene. At the same time, the research team found that some of the ingots from Divner’s group were sent to Heisenberg’s laboratory. “We are curious to know if this specific ingot is one of the ingots used by the two laboratories in Nazi Germany,” says the lead researcher.

Knowledge about the study

  • Following the agreement with Iran – all about nuclear and uranium Finally, this is a story about two friends.

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