Ezequiel Neiva guarantees 300 containers for the implementation of selective collection in Vilhena

State Representative Ezequiel Neiva/Photo: Disclosure

The funds for the implementation of the selective collection project in the municipality of Vilhena are already assured by Deputy Ezequiel Neiva.

R$ 481 thousand are in the transfer phase to the city hall account, for the acquisition of 300 containers that will be installed in different parts of the city.

Neiva points out that Governor Marcos Rocha has already authorized the payment of the parliamentary amendment to the city hall.

The deputy understands that selective collection is extremely importance for sustainable development. Said increase in consumption gradually increases the amount of garbage. “It is important to separate waste such as plastic, metal, paper and organic. It is an action that contributes to ending pollution that contaminates soils and river waters. Selective collection also prevents the spread of diseases and contributes to the waste being sent to its proper places”, he added.

The deputy said that the selective collection project in Vilhena also seeks to make families aware of the practice of selective collection in homes. He stated that it is necessary to adopt small attitudes in the household routine, so that the garbage can be separated correctly, contributing to the preservation of the environment. “We are going to keep the city cleaner and more organized, facilitating the selective collection work”, emphasized Ezequiel Neiva.

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