F-16V black box found!Air Force: The cause of the accident will be identified by professional units

A F-16V BLK20 fighter jet belonging to the Fourth Wing of the Air Force crashed into the sea a few days ago, and Captain Chen Yi was unfortunate Died of duty, because this is the first crash of the F-16 type organization so far, the outside world is highly concerned; the Air Force Command released a message on the evening of the 17th, confirming that the black box of the F-16V had been found earlier, and the follow-up will be identified by professional units to clarify The cause of the accident.

Daily breaking news notification

This The crashed F-16V (No. 6650) took off from Chiayi of the Air Force last Tuesday (11th) afternoon and went to Shuixi Shooting Range to conduct basic ground bombing training, but fell into the sea when the big action was introduced. Although the military was in an emergency The search and rescue mechanism was activated, but the wreckage of the plane and suspected human tissue were successively found. The latter was identified as the missing pilot after forensic identification and confirmed that Chen Yi was killed. For underwater salvage from centimeters to several meters, in addition to laying access roads to facilitate the entry and exit of equipment, professional equipment such as sand pumping boats and amphibious hands have been stationed. .

Air Force Command stated on the 17th that for the F-16 on the 11th In the search operation for the fighter flight safety incident, with the input of personnel, the “crash residual flight data recorder” (black box) was found on the evening of the 17th, and it will be sent to professional units for appraisal to clarify the cause of the accident. In addition to thanking all circles for their concern and assistance in this case, he also emphasized that although the enemy’s situation is severe, the Air Force has never slackened in its first-line air defense, and has worked hard to carry out its tasks while taking into account both combat readiness and flight safety. At present, the Air Force has set up a special investigation committee, which has invited the CIMC, experts and scholars to participate in order to be objective and impartial and to discover the real cause.

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