Facing a tough defense daily in practice is helping the Rutgers offense: ‘Iron sharpens iron’

PISCATAWAY, N.J. – The offense has been clicking through the first two games of the season for Rutgers football. Rutgers has been moving the ball effectively and dominating the time possession as well allowing just one sack and turning the ball over once.

It is certainly a change from last year when the offense seemed to be stalled far more often than not.

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One thing helping Rutgers this year is going against a top-tier defense every day in practice. As solid as the Rutgers offense has been in their two wins to start the season, the defense has been even better.

The defense has sacked opposing quarterbacks six times and created four interceptions. They are third-best in the Big Ten in scoring defense.

What does this mean for the offense? Plenty, considering that the offense faces this defense in practice on a daily basis. It gives a good test and standard for the group as they look to build themselves up after the struggles of a year ago.

“It helps a lot. You know, those guys still got those guys give us great competition, and I think iron sharpens iron,” quarterback Gavin Wimsatt said on Tuesday.

“We just compete when we’re out here. And, you know, every day it’s something we have to compete in. They gave us a great look, and they just get us better, and I think it’s helped a lot.”

The offense, which was bottom-three in the Big Ten for nearly every statistical category, is improved from a season ago.

Rutgers is currently sixth in the Big Ten in scoring offense (30.0 points per game) and is eighth in total offense (368.5 yards per game).

Limited sample sizes for sure, but for Rutgers it is a step in the right direction heading into what will be the daunting part of their schedule.

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