Facing Bali United, Tira Persikabo Not Only Beware of Illija Spasojevic

BOLASPORT.COM – Coach Tira Persikabo, Igor Kriushenko said that his party was not only aware of the movement of Ilija Spasojevic but all lines Bali United needed to be watched out.

Tira Persikabo will face Bali United in the sixth match week League 1 2021/2022 which will take place at Madya Stadium, Senayan, Central Jakarta, Saturday (1/9/2021).

The tactician Tira Persikabo said that his players were in a state of readiness to face Bali United.

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Igor Kriushenko considers that his team is already in a good atmosphere.

Even mood

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“Certainly the condition of our team is quite good, we have recovery too and the children We have also found the mood again and the atmosphere in our team is also good,” said Igor Kriushenko in a press conference attended by BolaSport.com.

“We are definitely ready for tomorrow’s game against Bali United,” he said.

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However, to win against Bali United is certainly not a big deal. easy ba for the team nicknamed Laskar Padjadjaran.

Because Bali United is still wrong. a team that has never lost until the fifth week.

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The team nicknamed the Tridatu Soldier was even rated as one of the the most consistent team.

They are also currently competing in the top standings by occupying the position second in the 2021 Liga 1 standings.

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For this reason, the Belarusian coach admitted that he had prepared a strategy for his team to face Bali United.

This is because according to Igo r, Bali United will be one of the difficult teams to face.

“Yes, of course Bali United is a pretty strong team. They will be strong opponents for us,” said Igor.

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Moreover, they have a reliable striker like Ilija Spasojevic who is still the mainstay of Bali United.

Even the naturalized player from Montenegro became one of the top scorers of Liga 1 by scoring five goals from the previous five matches.

Igor admits that Ilija Spasojevic is one of the players to watch out for.

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However, according to him, the Bali United players who need to be wary of are not only Spaso, but the players in every line as well.

Persikabo considers that in every line Bali United has an extraordinary leader.

Therefore, not a few opponents who have difficulty facing the Soldiers The Tridatu.

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However, Persikabo has prepared anticipations that will be made to face Bali United later.

“They have Ilija Spasojevic who is quite dangerous in their attack and in every line they have leader who is able to control the game,” said Igor.

“And their dead balls are pretty dangerous too. Yes, of course our team has prepared everything for tomorrow’s match.”

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The Tira Persikabo defender Roni Beroperay said that the coaching team had prepared special strategy to face Bali United later.

Even the players have been given an understanding by the team coach, it’s just that he and his colleagues will just run it.

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Roni also admitted that he and his friends were ready to give the best and maximum match so that can achieve the best results later.

“If we play as a whole is ready for tomorrow’s match, “said Roni.

“We have also been given a special strategy from coach. So just run tomorrow.”

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