Fan theories about the “Squid Game” series are as good as the plot itself: Did this come to your mind?

Warning: This text contains SPOILERS

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Photo: Netflix / IMDB

Series “ Squid Game “, South Korean drama produced by Netflix, gained huge popularity thanks to an amazing cast and an interesting plot The plot follows a group of individuals, all of whom are in debt, and agree to take part in an unusual challenge in order to win $ 38 million. out of six Korean children’s games … However, participation has literally fatal consequences.

The game starts with 456 players, but by the end of the sixth challenge, only one remains. If you haven’t watched this series yet, stop here, because spoilers follow and fan theories that abound in the details of the plot.


Those who have watched the series know that in the end only Ji Hun remains as the winner. Of course, such a popular achievement could not pass without an abundance of fan theories. These are the most popular:

Map selection

One of the first theories on TikTok is related to maps. At the beginning of the drama, when Ji Hun plays Ddakji cards with the dealer, he chooses the blue one. Many fans think that if you choose blue, then you are a player, and if you take red, you will be a guard.

The old man

Ji Hun at one point meets an old man who sitting in front of the shop, and their meeting seems somehow fateful. As the old man is rich, he would not be in that district, unless he is looking for a specific person – someone like Ji Hun. Also, when he tells the old man that he was often beaten as a child, he replies that he is also his son. And that was enough for some fans to think that the old man was actually Ji Hun’s father. Although this theory is a bit “stretched”, there is no reason to immediately reject it, given all the unexpected complications throughout the first season.


Individual viewers swear that the “guards” are in fact criminals and convicts. They work for a salary, but they seem to like the players playing the game. And because the game is a secret, the guards may be criminals in hiding, who may need protection, time or money.


Other fans pack they think Ji Hun’s daughter’s stepfather is tied to the game. When Ji Hoon goes to visit his daughter, her stepfather tells him that the family will soon move to America. When Frontman talks on the phone, he always speaks English, although some VIPs come from other countries as well. Since the stepfather does not give a reason to move to the United States, some viewers suspect that he is connected to the games … that he may be leading them in America.


There is also an idea on the networks that Frontman tried to expose games like Ji Hun, but when he failed, he remained trapped in an unstoppable circle. It comes from the fact that, when Frontman sees the death of his brother, it is clear that he cares for him. The frontman, as the winner of the games in 2105, knows a lot about them. So it is possible that he tried to expose them, but that he was caught and forced to actually become a “screw in the machine”, to recruit new players in exchange for the safety of his family.


Is he dead or not? Many saw his death as completely unjust, considering all his work, sacrifice and everything he learned. Some fans are hoping that Frontman secretly saved him. But, on the other hand, his death may indicate that any attempt to expose the games in advance is in vain.


Some people think that Ji Hun is the old man’s son. The other is the seller, who takes over and continues the game. Since Ji Hoon is such an important character, viewers think that the chances are small that the salesman just dragged him into the game. He may have a role in the “bigger picture”, and some speculate that he is the old man’s son who will take over the games.

Red hair

Alone At the end of the season, Ji Hun has red hair, which was enough for a number of fans to think that he might want to return to the game, and he is finally a revelation – this time as a guard.


VIPs obviously know a lot about games and everyone seems very excited about them. The excitement may come from the fact that they used to be part of the challenge themselves … Maybe because they were the winners? What do you think? Let us know in the comments.

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