Far Cry 6 Thai version ad, led by Uncle Knight Gssspotted.

If you are asked to buy a real game, what will we get?

Far Cry 6 is the most obvious answer. From investing in full game advertising to the game

FPS Open-World giant form of the year by

Ubisoft that penetrates the Thai game market, especially Trailer Thai subtitles and audio, and the latest

Ubisoft Thailand big release in the last curve before the release date. With Thai ads shown by Thai people and

Streamer famous game lovers


Just uploaded the latest ad.

Far Cry 6Thai version via channel Ubisoft Thailand Thailand on Youtube that got Uncle Night from the channel Gssspotted show Lead with the 3 iron rules of being a guerrilla warrior. that is full of spinning and bouncing until the lungs are rocking Along with Uncle Night’s 300% dizzying jokes that fans are so familiar with that it was widely shared on social media within a few hours


Ubisoft has been focusing on the Thai game market for quite a long time. can be seen from the opening

Channel Thai language on Youtube and

Content Thai version, especially Content penetrate the content of the famous franchise of

Ubisoft that gamers are very interested. This is what is telling many gamers what we can get from supporting genuine licensed games. Until now, most Thai gamers Still choose to buy the original game as number one

Far Cry 6Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 is a game

FPS, Open-World that takes players into the role of a guerrilla warrior. to be released

Yara from the rule of the dictator

Antón Castillo played by Giancarlo Esposito Role Gus Fring in series Breaking Bad and the game supports Thai subtitles with the quality of the speech translation

Far Cry 6 will be released October 7, 2021 on PC, Xbox. Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Epic Games and Stadia

Far Cry 6

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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