Fears of a padlock in “Avgi”: 14 people participated in volunteering

In one of the most critical turning points in its history is the newspaper “ Avgi “. Faced with serious financial problems for many years, the newspaper continues its publication with financial support from SYRIZA is in danger of stopping its publication, or turning it into a weekly Sunday paper.

The main problem is the large number of staff and the large salary expenses. To resolve this, the newspaper’s management and ownership decided to implement a voluntary exit program

The decision of SYRIZA-PS that finances the effort to promote a voluntary exit program has provoked the reaction of the workers who are preparing mobilizations.

The trade union representative of ESIEA in the newspaper Nikos Morfonios expresses concern about the closing of the daily edition of “Avgi”, who as he informs, “14 employees declared their participation in the volunteerism of the newspaper under terrorism and the fear of losing jobs at the closing of the 70th anniversary of her birth “.

at an online General Assembly expected to determine the next day.

See the briefing from the employee representative:

“After the completion of the voluntary exit program, the next day is unfolding before us for the newspaper, amid the uncertainty and uncertainty about the future of the daily and Sunday edition. The newspaper has already been deforested by 14 people who have volunteered below from terrorism and the fear of job loss at the close of the 70th anniversary of the birth of DAWN.

more information that reaches our ears say that the daily edition of AVGI is planned to be closed at the beginning of the year, completing its dissolution plan. to make decisions about our lives, without our participation in any of them

However, the bankruptcy of the newspaper and the dissolution of the journalistic stigma of 70 years of historical course have persons and addresses, and certainly these persons do not belong to the employees.

At the most critical historical moment I feel the weight as a trade union representative and as a member of the organization since August 2003 when I was still a child I was honored to learn journalism as a trainee in the small but with huge political and journalistic weight of a historical newspaper, to say the following: the time has come for the battle to be fought.

our hand to save the newspaper, but some are still plotting to dismantle it by closing the daily and losing an unknown number of jobs. In fact, at a time when the consequences of the tragic management of the pandemic by the SW are more obvious than ever, some politicians still want to take their eyes off it, but they will also bear the cost. Consequently, there is now a way and we must organize for it: a struggle for work and dignity.

For this reason, an online General Assembly is convened on Tuesday at 11am and the everyone’s participation is more critical than ever to organize our resistance to the destruction of the newspaper being prepared. I have in mind a plan of escalating actions to discuss in the assembly, which includes from addresses to the society with event / shows and internet posts and in the streets of Athens banners, posters, etc., Gatherings and marches in Koumoundourou, until our presence in co. and unions of other branches, such as EKA, ADEDY, the Association of Hired Technicians, the Union of Deliverades (I have already made contacts), in order to ask for their support and solidarity in a newspaper and its employees who uninterruptedly and generously even when everyone was silent we have highlighted and supported their struggles.

Until of course repeated 24-hour strikes and all-day occupations of the offices and the station.

The quiver in the collective memory of the class struggles is rich and let us keep in mind that many times it is not the fall that matters but the impact. So let us lift the glove and let each one take on his responsibilities, facing the fund of historical memory.

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