Fewer and fewer foreign investments are going to Romania, and the coronavirus has made a big difference

The central bank has just published its final report on foreign direct investment in 2020. The data previously reported by the central bank differ significantly from the final data, as a capital investment of EUR 1.921 billion was previously reported, corresponding to a 60% decrease.

Between 2014 and 2018, After four years of steady growth, 2020 is now the third in a row to see a decline in foreign direct investment , with € 5.226 billion flowing into the Romanian economy in 2018, compared to € 4.797 billion in 2017. EUR 5.173 billion in 2019 and EUR 3.005 billion in 2020.

The largest foreign investor since the change of regime is the Netherlands with EUR 19,994 billion, Germany with EUR 11.070 billion and Austria with EUR 10.858 billion. , fourth Italy with € 7.652 billion, fifth France with € 5.642 billion

Hungary is in tenth place with € 2.221 billion, improving two places compared to 2019.

Cover image: Getty Images

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