[Field materials] Consumption coupons have been credited to the account again, it seems that the iPad is expensive and the Internet tablet has a choice

Reminiscent of the users who bought the day after receiving the $2,000 electronic coupons in August, I believe that many people have already credited the second installment of $3,000 at the time of this article; if they can bear their hands in August, the total value is $5,000. With a subsidy of $199, you can even get the latest 5G version iPad mini 6 . But if you just want to play a tablet that can use the SIM card to surf the Internet, in fact, there is no shortage of affordable options in the street market.

Galaxy Tab A7 Lite主屏解像度雖只有1,340×800,但就提供雙揚聲器及支援Dobly Atmos。
Although the main screen resolution of Galaxy Tab A7 Lite is only 1,340×800, it provides dual speakers and supports Dobly Atmos.

Among the big-brand tablet computers in active use, the 1 prefix price has a Samsung Galaxy with an 8.7-inch screen. Tab A7 Lite, the LTE version of the Hong Kong Bank’s machine price is about $1,600 to $1,650, and the street price is tens of yuan cheaper than the regular price of the chain store of $1,688. Galaxy Tab A7 Lite uses a Korean operating interface that suits the tastes of Hong Kong people. Although the main screen resolution is only 1,340×800, it provides dual speakers and supports Dobly Atmos sound effects. At the same time, it only weighs 371g and has good portability.

UleFone Tab 7有10.1吋1,920×1,200全高清屏幕,亦有橫向左右聲道雙揚聲器。
UleFone Tab 7 has 10.1 inches, 1,920×1,200 full High-definition screen, there are also horizontal left and right channel double speakers.

If you want a larger screen and a more affordable price, we have launched the Armor series three UleFone, a well-known mobile phone-proof agent, recently introduced the new UleFone Tab 7 for tablets from the public. The UleFone Tab 7 is pre-loaded with Android 11 at a price of as low as $1,099. It provides up to 150Mbps download and 50Mbps upload LTE network, and also has The 10.1-inch 1,920×1,200 full HD screen with a good view, and the horizontal left and right channel speakers necessary for viewing movies, built-in 64GB RAM, the capacity is good for the masses and tablets, and the battery capacity is 7,680mAh, which is enough for a whole day of use.

Query: Peng Bo (2717 8131)

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