FIFA 22 Streamer Obliterates Controller in Rage After Huge Miss

Twitch streamer Edwin “Castro_1021” Castro has a passion for FIFA, and that has extended to this year’s game, FIFA 22. Unfortunately, Castro has a tendency to be too passionate about the game, and that was on full display during a recent stream. On October 5th, Castro was down 2-1, but had an opportunity to tie things up at the last second. Unfortunately, victory eluded the streamer, thanks to the opposing goaltender. Castro did not take the loss well, screaming “broken game” while slamming his Xbox controller violently against the desk before standing up and pitching it against the floor. Readers can find the Twitch clip right here.

Broken controllers can be a common occurrence for some players. Gamers have been breaking controllers in frustration since the dawn of the video game industry, but the creation of the wireless controller about 20 years ago made it significantly easier to do some heavy damage. At least when a controller is corded, it’s harder to get momentum, but as Castro proved during the stream, it’s easy to really slam a wireless controller against the floor in frustration.

Of course, given the cost of controllers, most players might want to consider keeping their temper in check, as opposed to emulating Castro. The streamer probably won’t have a hard time replacing it, but a Pulse Red Xbox Series X controller can be found on the Microsoft Store for $59.99, which isn’t exactly chump change. For that price, players can get a brand-new game, or four months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. We all get a little frustrated sometimes, but it’s good to keep a cool head and maybe think things through before obliterating a controller against the ground. Maybe seek out a nice cool down game after a tough match. Castro might want to consider doing that next time he loses a close one.

FIFA 22 is available now on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Google Stadia, and PC. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the game right here.

Have you ever broken a controller in frustration? What game made you pitch a controller at the floor? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!


[H/T: Dexerto]

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文中提及講座片段截圖( ettoday youtube 頻道截圖)立場博客馮睎乾十三維度英雄退步即神仙,火氣消除道德編。 Facebook: Patreon:按月贊助一杯咖啡為了「國家安全」,今時今日做藝人,確實需要急才和智慧。 10月1日,台劇《四樓的天堂》在台北電影節舉辦首映會,主演的黃秋生也有出席,並接受記者訪問。有人問黃秋生,對於香港改變的感想為何? 黃秋生沉吟着答:「不敢想啊,還要想什麼?還可以有什麼想法呢?因為已經變得非常陌生了,所以你對⋯⋯」但話未說完,主持人已打斷他:「不好意思,那我們下一題好了。」 黃秋生一聽,隔着口罩也看得出臉色大變,大概以為主持人插話,是擔心他會講些政治敏感的話,於是慍道:「尊重一下可以嗎?」最後主持人輕聲道歉,黃秋生終於把話說完。 他的答案是:「就好像你每天看到親人的樣子,有一天你回家,是看到另外一個人,就是這種感覺,不可能有什麼感想了。」 這一支小插曲,最後上了各大媒體新聞,焦點都落在「黃秋生談香港現況被打斷變臉」,引發台、港兩地網民討論。事後黃秋生解釋,一切「只是誤會」。 我看了記者會的影片,也覺得是一場誤會而已。主持人看到黃秋生最初有點猶疑,以為他不想作答,才插嘴打圓場;黃秋生則冷不防被問及香港時局,覺得必須思量片刻才能回答,是以顯得猶疑。其實黃秋生能在「電光火石之間」想到這個答法,已算很有急才了。 「對於香港改變的感想為何?」眾所週知,官方答案當然是:「中央政府堅定不移貫徹落實『一國兩制』,完善選舉制度,今天香港由亂入治,我覺得非常高興。」就連搞不清「人禽之辨」的鸚鵡,相信都可以流利講出以上答案。 除此之外的一切答案,會否觸犯「港區國安法」呢?只有鄧炳強知道。黃秋生似乎打算返港,當然得想清想楚才答。台灣記者或主持人活在言論自由受保障的民主社會,也許就體恤不到黃秋生的難處。 黃的答案其實很妙。有天回家,發現親人變了另一人,那到底是什麼感覺呢? 幾年前日本某個綜藝節目,一名已婚男人接受假催眠,預期效果是「我把老婆看成石原聰美」。結果真正的石原聰美竟偷偷登場,跟他的老婆掉換身分,而現場觀眾更配合說「看不到老婆變成了石原聰美」,令男人以為催眠奏效,興奮得眉開眼笑,喊道「繼續這樣就好了!」 在很多小粉紅或藍絲的眼中,今日香港或許真的變了石原聰美,使他們超興奮,所以黃秋生的答案對他們也完全適用,你說,是不是答得很妙? 後記: 想起與黃先生有過一面之緣,還興致勃勃談起命理。黃先生在記者會慨歎工作不多,我推測他後年開始在外地發展,將有更理想的成績,時候未到,就要忍耐一下了。祝願平安! 作者 patreon l 作者 facebook 台灣黃秋生四樓的天堂
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