Fill Up On RPGs In KEMCO’s Mid-Summer Sale, On Now

We’re in the home stretch of summer now, friends. Not a lot of great new releases in this time period, typically. The weather is too hot, and outside is the last place you want to be. Good TV? Pff. Not likely. Maybe you can go to the movies and watch Borderlands? No, this part of the year is designed for hunkering down and playing some RPGs, and KEMCO is as ever eager to help meet your needs in that regard. They’ve got some sales teed up for you on several of their mobile RPGs, and some of them are hard to resist.

As always, do keep in mind that KEMCO isn’t out here making Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest. These are, by and large, cheap but serviceable examples of the genre. Still, some are better than others, and I think there are a few of the better ones in these sales. I’ll swing back after the list and let you know which ones. Suspense!

Sword of Elpisia –  ($1.99)

Blacksmith of the Sand Kingdom($3.99)

Frane: Dragons’ Odyssey($0.99)

Seek Hearts($1.99)

Dark Gate($1.99)


Okay, as promised I am back. If you want something a bit different (and frankly more polished) than the usual KEMCO release, check out Blacksmith of the Sand Kingdom. It’s a crafting RPG, and it’s well-made for what it is. I liked Frane a lot back in the day, but the app is ancient so tread carefully. It’s an action-RPG though, and that’s nifty. If you remember Across Age, it’s the same developer and plays similarly. Finally, Sword of Elpisia is the newest of the lot. Does that make it the best? Probably not, but you might enjoy what the years of experience hath wrought.

Those are the sales, and those are my thoughts. Grab some of those cheap RPGs if you need a little bit of easy-going gaming to occupy your brain for a few days while we wait out these ridiculous temperatures. And if you’re a KEMCO skeptic… do try out Blacksmith of the Sand Kingdom. Trust me, pal!

  • RPG Sword of Elpisia

    On Terra, a world whose civilization developed thanks to magic tools, there are frequent cases of people being turned in…

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