Final Day of Gear Auction Benefit Raffle for Sarah Faulkner is Today: TP199, Hampshire, & More

In August, seven-year-old Sarah Faulkner was injured while swimming in the creek at Loretta Lynn’s Ranch. Faulkner suffered a fractured spine in the accident and is now paralyzed from just below her chest down. Friends then started the #SarahWILLwalkagain fundraiser on GoFundMe ( in order to help pay for the medical bills.

The motocross industry has come together to help support Faulkner in different ways. Brett Cue and MX Locker are some of the many people who have helped raise funds for the Faulkner family, doing so via motocross memorabilia and collector items. Cue currently has another gear auction setup to benefit the family. The drawing is $50 per ticket and the prizes include:

The cut-off date is today (December 24, 2022)at midnight.
The winners will be drawn on Christmas Day (December 25, 2022).

A ticket(s) for a family or friend could make for a great-last minute Christmas gift, while also supporting Faulkner throughout her treatments and medical bills.

How to enter:
-Venmo: @bq365

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