Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Announces Tomb Raider Collaboration Starting Today With a special character gacha Lara Croft and many bonus prizes.

SQUARE ENIX Launch event collaboration Limited time camp games between Final Fantasy Brave Exvius x Tomb Raider This event also marks the 25th anniversary of the Tomb Raider series. as well, where players will experience the strong girl character Lara Croft through the summons gacha cabinet. Along with prizes from event quests and give away many login bonuses at this event fans should not miss    Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Limited-time events for players to enjoyThemed Tomb Raider In which in this Collaboration event, players will receive a reward as Raid Coins “Ancient Gold Pieces” used for summoning and throughout the event period, players will receive various bonus rewards. Just by logging in daily, such as Lara’s Fragment, lapis, summon tickets and many more. In addition, special exchange coins can also be used to redeem. Various in-game items such as Transcension Pearl and 1/10 NV Summon Ticket   Character Lara Croft, whose main task is Tomb Raider, is a UR-class Middle Guard Striker character with ranged abilities. Deals physical damage and pierces armor that deals heavy damage. How much resistance does this enemy have? And with her Limit burst skill “Duelist Reflexes” she will do 3 hits to the target which deals level damage. one and reduce the target value UR tier “25 Years of Tomb Raiding” card that has special effects on Water-type Missile Attack parties, including Lara Croft herself. Also, if the card is fully leveled, it will increase the luck status of the Water elemental party. When paired with Lara Croft, it increases critical strike rate and evasion .    (Photo courtesy of
and a special ending with Weekly Free Summon 10+1 that guarantees a 5-star character or NV by both Collaborative Tomb Raider events. and various bonuses to the teapot Start from today until October 20th Don’t wait, gamers. Let’s go and explore the ancient tomb with the strongest young lady! 

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