Finally, Cărtărescu takes the Nobel! Who is Marcel Cărtărescu from the Republic of Moldova

Surprise of proportions in the world of literature: The Nobel Prize was finally awarded today to Cărtărescu! The entire Leova district, south of Chisinau, is in delirium after the name of the Moldavian writer Marcel Cărtărescu was announced by the Swedish Academy.

According to, Marcel Cărtărescu , born in 1962 in Vozneseni, Leova district, is the author of the novels “Trans-Siberian Nagîţ” and “Corcoduşii Cahulului”, published in over 500 copies in Romanian and Uzbek.

“His prose abounds in nouns, adjectives and even verbs, being an edifying example of literary composition that conveys ideas and tells fictional events,” said Cărtărescu’s overseas neighbor, literary critic and small businessman Anatolie called Ranga.

Across the Prut, the news pleased thousands of Romanians who bet on 10 lei that “M. Cărtărescu ”will receive at least one Nobel this year.

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