Financing failed: Leasing start-up Vehiculum files for bankruptcy

You wanted to turn the leasing industry upside down. Now the Berlin-based mobility startup Vehiculum had to file for bankruptcy for two reasons.

Die Vehiculum-Gründer Melchior Bauer, Lukas Steinhilber und Guy Moller (v.l.)
The Vehiculum founders Melchior Bauer, Lukas Steinhilber and Guy Moller (from left)

The Berlin car leasing startup Vehiculum wanted nothing less than to digitize a billion-dollar market. After the initial success with its brokerage platform, the company founded in 2015 now had to file for bankruptcy. The reasons were delivery bottlenecks in the automotive industry and a failed financing round, as the responsible insolvency administrator Torsten Martini announced in response to a request from the start-up scene.

In the industry, semiconductor chips are currently in short supply. As a result, ordered vehicles cannot be delivered on time. Vehiculum operates a platform on which current leasing offers from manufacturers can be compared with one another. Contracts can be processed directly online via the startup’s portal – in cooperation with manufacturers and automobile banks. Due to the fact that many leasing vehicles cannot be delivered on time, the startup can hardly do justice to its mandate: enable fast processing.

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In addition, a potential investor has dropped out, says Martini. Actually the Mein-Auto-Gruppe wanted to take over the young company . It is not known why the negotiations did not take place . “The aim is to find an investor,” Martini told Gründerszene. So far, no one of the approximately 120-employee company has been dismissed, according to the insolvency administrator. The salaries will continue to be financed by the bankruptcy money. All three founders are still active in their role as managing directors. As long as the process is active, the founders are not allowed to comment publicly on the process.

Most recently, Vehiculum had, among other things, for the Discounter Lidl built the technical infrastructure, got the cars and set up the contracts with banks to offer leasing vehicles. Within a week, Vehiculum had sold over 1,000 Fiat 500 leasing vehicles. The plan was not only to serve corporate customers for company cars, but also to further expand the B2C business.


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