Finland pays far less for fighter jets than Norway

Finland invests in the same type of fighter aircraft as Norway, but gets them much cheaper despite the fact that Norway has been involved in the development of F since 2002. -35.

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Norges 52 nye According to the Ministry of Defense, fighter jets from the US Lockheed Martin have a purchase price of NOK 90.2 billion. The average price tag per aircraft is thus NOK 1.74 billion.

Just before Christmas, Finland announced that it will buy 64 fighter jets of the same type for NOK 10 billion. This gives a unit price of NOK 1.58 billion.

Shortly afterwards, the Finnish broadcaster announced Yle

that the purchase price for the 64 aircraft is 8.4 billion euros, which corresponds to a unit price of around 1, NOK 3 billion.

In that case, Finland pays NOK 440 million less per aircraft than Norway pays on average for the same type of aircraft.


– We are not aware of the unit price Finland pays, but since they will have their aircraft delivered in the period 2025–2031, we must expect a price level in line with the latest Norwegian aircraft, says senior adviser Lars Gjemble in the Ministry of Defense to NTB.

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The Ministry of Defense in Norway estimates that with the current dollar exchange rate, it will cost NOK 225.8 billion to operate the aircraft for the rest of its life. This is in addition to the purchase price. Norwegian air bases must also be upgraded for NOK 8.3 billion. The total price tag for the purchase and operation of the aircraft is thus NOK 324 billion.

Finland operates with much lower estimates for lifetime costs. At a press conference last month, the director of the Finnish Armed Forces’ logistics department, Kari Renko, estimated that the total lifetime cost of 64 aircraft will be around NOK 200 billion.

Switzerland estimates In comparison, the annual operating and maintenance costs for the same aircraft are twice as high, while the Netherlands estimates the costs to be three times as high, the newspaper points out Helsingin Sanomat .

Great uncertainty


Also in the United States, there has long been a debate about the cost of the F-35.

Congress’ investigative body Government Accountability Office (GAO) in the United States, warned last summer against the high operating costs and noted that estimates for these have risen steadily since 2012.

Commander-in-Chief of the United States Air Force (USAF), General Charles Q. Brown

, pointed out the same and struck fixed that it will have consequences for the use.

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