Firefighters continue to intervene in a large fire on Račianská in Bratislava

Firefighters continue to intervene in a large fire in the building of the former Palma company on Račianská Street in Bratislava. For TASR, this was confirmed by the fire brigade’s operations center, stating that they still do not record injured or killed people. It is a historic two-storey building in redevelopment. There are almost 50 professional and volunteer firefighters on site. Elevated values ​​of hazardous substances have not yet been measured in the event of a fire. However, the capital and the mayor of Bratislava’s New Town, Rudolf Kusý, called on residents around Račianská Street to close the windows in their flats and houses for the smoke to spread until the fire was extinguished

Corwin, which is planning to build its development project in the Palma area, does not yet know what the immediate cause of the fire was. “The whole event will be investigated,” said the developer.

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