Fixed matches in the U19-EM – revealed with lie detector

A printout from Dagens Nyheter, 2021 -10-04 12:31

The article’s original address: -avslojades-med-logndetektor /

I Ryssland har en matchfixningsskandal avslöjats rörande ungdomslandslaget. Åtta spelare har stängts av och riskerar dessutom långa fängelsestraff.

I Ryssland har en matchfixningsskandal avslöjats rörande ungdomslandslaget. Åtta spelare har stängts av och riskerar dessutom långa fängelsestraff.

In Russia, a match-fixing scandal has been revealed concerning the youth national team. Eight players have been suspended and also risk long prison sentences. Photo: Christoffer Borg Mattisson / Bildbyrån

Eight young Russian national handball team players have been suspended for match-fixing. They were revealed, among other things, by tests with a lie detector.

Russia made a pale effort in the U19 European Championship in Croatia this summer and finished second last out of 16 teams after six losses in seven matches.

The Russian Handball Federation appointed an investigation after the tournament because it was considered obvious that the players were not doing their best to win.

Among other things, a lie detector was used to determine if the players were telling the truth when they were interrogated. The investigation by the association’s ethics commission shows that they played in their own matches through boulevards and that they underperformed to make money.

Half of the
16) 16 PLAYERS in the squad has now been shut down, four of them for five years and another four for 9-24 months.

Coach Vitaly Ivanov resigned immediately after the tournament.

– The facts revealed by the Ethics Commission not only create outrage, but also a strong sense of disappointment towards young players. I have previously called it treason for his motherland, that is my attitude regarding this financial doping, said the President of the Russian Federation Sergei Shiskarev according to the news agency Reuters.

According to the association, seven of the players admitted during the investigation and were remorseful. Nevertheless, they may be punished further. A police investigation is underway and the players risk up to seven years in prison if they were to be sentenced in court.

The scandal is especially unwelcome for Russian sport in view of the revelation of state-controlled doping in Russia, which has led to the country being suspended from major championships by Wada, the International Anti-Doping Agency.

– We are particularly outraged that this happened at an international competition at the highest level and against the background of the political pressure that Russian sports are facing from international sports leaders, said Boris Kipkejev, head of the ethics commission that conducted the match-fixing investigation, to the news agency Tass.

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