Is the image of the Homeland always flowery? In September, the poor or rich house melts the polychromy of Mexico with the heart, the “Vivas!” Are shouted in unison. Every year more names and phrases are added depending on the political color of the balcony. At the tables, the tricolor dishes: toast with tomato, cheese, avocado, overflowing with the crunch. The pozole, garnished with lettuce, radishes, onion. The flag, waving in every corner of the country. A good mezcal, pulque, tequila, even with prohibition and a pandemic.
The city of palaces, the navel of the moon, ancient Tenochtitlán, had never seen an army parade like the one on the afternoon of September 27, 1821 A column of 16 thousand men: cavalry, infantry and, at the end, those named “pintos” who were commanded by the great Vicente Guerrero.
According to the chronicles of the time, everything was decorated; the houses, the buildings were adorned with flowers and banners that were presented in various forms, and there was no woman who did not wear green, white and red in ribbons and bows on her dresses, blouses and hairdos.
In front of all the brave, he was wearing an empanada hat, his dashing uniform: Agustín de Iturbide, who diverted the parade of the Trigarante Army, so that Doña María Ignacia, from her house on Calle de La Profesa, could admire it.
And the march stopped for a few moments; The general detached one of the tricolor feathers from his hat and sent it to the famous Güera Rodríguez, a woman who actively participated in the independence movement, contributing money for the insurgent cause. Admired by Humboldt, Bolívar faced the Holy Office unharmed.
Many paths of history and anonymous names remain scattered like dust, like longings, betrayals, fortunes. Literature unites them to delight us with fiction and truth. Mixes that each one creates to his free reading and will.
Our story is a magical epic, full of nooks and crannies that make it unique and sparkling. With joy let us recover the historical memory, to inhabit its soul, in these first 200 years of freedom. Carpe Diem. _
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