FluBot returns, the malware that scares you to infect your Android phone

This malware, which returns much more sophisticated, will infect your entire contact list and will also try to steal your bank account access credentials.

One of the best antivirus that every human being has is common sense, a common sense that you should use when not infecting your computer or mobile phone with the millions of malware created by cybercriminals that the only thing that they want is to have access to your device and your bank accounts.

And this cybercriminals know very well, and to destroy our common sense, what they do is try to hurry us and scare us, so that we click on a link and be infected.

Now the very dangerous malware FluBot returns, after an initial campaign in April of this year , and where it has been reactivated with new campaigns as stated by the researchers of Cert NZ .

FluBot’s new malware strategy is to send us text messages referring to a package delivery on our behalf or that different photographs related to we os, in a way to attract attention.

After receiving this text message about the package or the photos, you will be taken to a website that indicates that your mobile phone has been infected to put you in fear and rush , but luckily there is a “security update” for you. Receiving this message does not infect the user, but it does so when clicking on the link of the security update and installing it.

If you click on the link, you will be asked to enable the installation of unknown applications from third parties and will tell you how to do it. If the user continues with the installation he will be infected , if he does not do it absolutely nothing will happen.

The problem is that many people They have already disabled the possibility of installing third-party applications in the Android settings, so they could be practically infected as soon as you click the link and execute the download.

It is a very dangerous malware due to what it is dedicated to to steal banking and payment information by placing overlays in banking , payment and legitimate cryptocurrency apps.

It will also steal our contact list and spread through them sending phishing messages.

This malware is affecting countries such as Spain, Germany, Poland, Hungary, United Kingdom and Switzerland, but also Australia and Japan, so it is already practically worldwide.

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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