Fo four points bring Kunlun Red Star victory over Vityaz, Indrašim two shots on goal

Why Indrašis | Photo: Kazan “Ak Bars”

On Saturday, the Continental Hockey League (KHL) team in the Moscow region “Vityaz” guests with 4: 2 acknowledged the superiority of Beijing’s “Kunlun Red Star”, Latvian striker Miks Indrasim does not stand out with effective actions. The hero of the game became Parker Fo, who stood out with two goals and two assists

4-point night by Parker @ pfoo22 🇨🇦 (2 G, 2 A) powered by Kunlun Red Star past Vityaz!

– KHL (@khl_eng ) October 2, 2021

Indrašis spent 16 minutes and 16 seconds on the court, during which he scored two shots on goal, used one force technique, and won in two of three throws (66%).

The result of the game was revealed only in the fifth minute of the second period, when Parker Fo was nominated by Kunlun Red Star, playing in a numerical minority. Four minutes later, Vityaz striker Alexander Yaremchuk equalized, but the joys were not long, as Fo soon scored his second goal in the match.

In the third period, the Moscow club was able to reach draw Niko Ojamaki. But with that, Vityaz proved not enough to look to pull out the victory in the match. Seven minutes before the end of the game, Kunlun Red Star was led by Spencer Fo, but Luke Lockhart scored a point in the match. The result on the scoreboard after the signal at the end of the game was 4: 2 in favor of the Beijing team. Alexei Buffalev, Theme Pulkinen, Vyacheslav Osnovin and Kirill Kapustin scored the winners, while Korban Knight, Alexei Bereglazov and Nail Yakupov stood out with precise shots.

In the match of Riga “Dinamo” in the series of post-throw throws with 3: 2 acknowledged the superiority of Khabarovsk “Amur”, but later in the day “Vladivostok” Admiral “2: 1 played in Nizhny Novgorod” Torpedo “, whose coaching team includes Latvian hockey legend Sandis Ozolins.

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