For a safe return.. “Aflaj Education” prepares 6,207 seats on buses to transport male and female students to schools

According to precautionary measures and health protocols

The Student Services Department in Aflaj Education, in cooperation with Tatweer Company for Educational Transportation Services, has completed the creation of 6207 seats on school transport buses, according to the precautionary measures and health protocols for transporting male and female students to their schools, while calling on parents to quickly register for the school transport service through the Noor system through the school transport requests icon. Creating a safe and healthy educational environment in all organizational aspects in schools before the attendance of male and female students in the primary and kindergarten levels.

The Director of Aflaj Education, Dr. Muhammad Al Mughirah, and his assistants made field tours; To determine the readiness of primary schools and kindergartens and follow up their readiness to receive male and female students and to check on the application of the precautionary measures approved by the Public Health Authority “Weqaya”, and to finish all maintenance and equipment work before returning in attendance to ensure an enjoyable and safe study trip.

January 14, 2022 – Jumada al-Thani 11, 1443 07:10 PM

According to the precautionary measures and health protocols

For a safe return.. “Aflaj Education” prepares 6,207 seats on buses to transport male and female students to schools

The Student Services Department in Aflaj Education, in cooperation with the Tatweer Company for Educational Transportation Services, has finished preparing 6207 seats on school transport buses, according to precautionary measures and health protocols to transport male and female students to their schools. At the same time, he called on parents to quickly register for the school transport service through the Noor system through the school transport requests icon. All the organizational aspects in schools before the attendance of male and female students in the primary and kindergarten stages.

The Director of Aflaj Education, Dr. Muhammad Al Mughira, and his assistants made field tours; To determine the readiness of primary schools and kindergartens and follow up their readiness to receive male and female students and to check on the application of the precautionary measures approved by the Public Health Authority “Weqaya”, and to finish all maintenance and equipment work before returning in attendance to ensure an enjoyable and safe study trip.

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