For the sake of preservation, education about traditional weaving and songket must be encouraged

CHAIRMAN National Movement of Love Weaving and Songket of Nusantara Heritage (Genta Wastra) Anna awarded Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution and his wife Kahiyang Ayu became ambassadors or Genta Wastra Millennial figures.

“The reason is that both of them are young figures who are very inspiring, creative, innovative, and have a high love and concern for Indonesian culture. This is what prompted Genta Wastra to choose the Genta Wastra Millennial figure,” said Prof. Anna Mariana, Friday, (17/12/2021).

Kahiyang pakai tenunKahiyang pakai tenun

According to Prof. Anna, it is important to have a protective figure for Genta Wastra Millennials. This must also continue to be disseminated to the younger generation, so that the mission and vision of Genta Wastra Millennials can be realized properly.

“Currently we are concerned, many young people do not know and love the culture of their own nation. More proud of foreign cultural products. All because of the lack of education and knowledge about weaving, traditional Indonesian songket as a characteristic and cultural identity of the nation,” he said.

Therefore, he continued, education on weaving and songket should be encouraged. One of them is by supporting the Presidential Decree to hold the National Weaving and Songket Day on 7 September.

According to him, this is in line with the struggle of the nation’s ancestors, on 7 September 1929, when the traditional songket and weaving school was first established by Dr. Soetomo in Surabaya. Later, weaving and songket schools expanded throughout Indonesia.

“We are pushing the Presidential Decree on Weaving Day, National Songket on September 7 which is currently still being signed by President Joko Widodo,” said Prof Anna.

He also emphasized the importance of providing knowledge about cultural history. And the importance of a character who becomes an icon and a reflection for the millennial young generation who love culture.

There are several targets to be achieved in an effort to nationalize and introduce traditional Indonesian songket weaving to all levels of society, nationally and internationally.

“The target is the Genta Wastra Program. At the same time assisting government programs in the economic recovery of SMEs in the traditional songket weaving community in Indonesia through seven solution programs,” he added.

Also read: Rows of Timeless Indonesian Woven Fabrics

There are seven solution programs for improving and selecting the national MSME economy in question. One of them is the preservation of traditional Indonesian weaving and songket culture so that it is widely known among the millennial young generation and the public.


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