Forecast in Mendoza: after the intense heat wave, a cold front will enter in the next few hours

According to the National Weather Service, this Monday the temperature will drop significantly and the weather will give some respite after exhausting days.

Sunday, January 16, 2022hs

After several very hot days, this Sunday will be the last with infernal temperatures and, as of Monday, it will drop to give relief to the people of Mendoza. This was anticipated by the forecast of the weather from the National Meteorological Service.

Calor Regatas

This Sunday the minimum temperature will be 25ºC and the maximum 36ºC. The sky will be somewhat cloudy throughout the day and light winds will blow from the southern and eastern sectors of the province.

On Monday there will be a noticeable change in temperature. The minimum will be 20ºC and the maximum 29ºC. The sky will be barely cloudy and gusts of wind will blow during the afternoon, coming from the south and southeast sectors of Mendoza.

On Tuesday you can enjoy spring temperatures. The minimum will be 16ºC and the maximum 26ºC. In addition, the sky will be covered until cloudy in the afternoon, but without the possibility of precipitation. Gentle breezes will blow from the southern and eastern sectors of the province.

Ola de Calor

Meanwhile, the Wednesday summer temperatures return, the minimum will be 17ºC and the maximum 31ºC . The sky will be partly cloudy and there will be light winds from the south and east of Mendoza.

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