Foreign Exchange Statement from the Central Bank Governor: We Expect a Balancing in the Exchange Rate

Şahap Kavcıoğlu, President of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, met with the exporters after the export regulation. Kavcıoğlu in his statements; He stated that they expect a stabilization in the exchange rate, that there will no longer be high volatility and that the TL will follow a stable course.

As it is known, the last few months have been active for exchange rates . The dollar rate was also affected by this and reached the highest levels in history. Later, with the statements made by the government, a sharp decrease was observed in the exchange rate. The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey also intervened directly in the market five times in December, the intervention on 17 December was $2.12 billion and the total intervention was $7.28 billion. We shared with you . Now, an important statement has come from the President of the Central Bank about the exchange rates.

‘There will be no more volatility’Şahap Kavcıoğlu Central Bank President Şahap Kavcıoğlu met with the representatives of exporting unions after the regulations that made it mandatory to sell 25% of export revenues (dollar, euro and sterling) to the Central Bank. Kavcıoğlu made statements about the exchange rates at the moment when the dollar was trading at 13.84 TL. Kavcioglu; stated that they expect a stabilization in the exchange rate, that there will no longer be high volatility and that there will be no big losses in trading. ) In addition, Kavcıoğlu also touched upon the problems experienced by exporters in accessing Eximbank and rediscount credits. Kavcıoğlu noted that resources will be poured into these areas and exporters will be relieved. In addition, according to exporters, Kavcıoğlu stated that there will be a stabilization in the exchange rate and that the TL will follow a stable manner; therefore, he stated at the meeting that there should be no worries about exports. In addition, it was stated in the statements made by the president that steps will be taken towards banks that are reluctant to lend to SMEs and SMEs will be supported . Source:
https: // no longer-high-volatility,1006483

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