Former Guns N'Roses Matt Sorum talks about not being invited to reunite


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Former Guns N’Roses drummer Matt Sorum reunited in 2016 He talks about why he wasn’t invited at times.

An excerpt from the memoir “Double Talkin’Jive: True Rock’n’Roll Stories”, I learned about rumors of a reunion with the classic lineup on the Internet. He revealed that he was touring South America with Slash and Duff McKagan at times.

After learning the rumors and then meeting Duff McKagan in Los Angeles, Duff McKagan wanted Axl Rose to use his drummer Frank Ferrer. He said he was there. “Go to Axel and tell me you want to use me. That’s it, that’s exactly when,” Matt Sorum responded, Duff McKagan said. That said. “What a hell. The deal is already over.”

Matt Sorum is no longer playing live with Guns N’Roses in Rolling Stone magazine. He says he has overcome the fact that he does not.

“They were doing their thing and accepted the fact that they were doing their own thing,” he said. “If it did, I wouldn’t be completely happy with the situation. At the same time, I like the time when I was in the band.”

When asked why he wasn’t invited to the reunion tour, Matt Sorum replied: “I think Axl Rose is a man-in-law. He likes the band he’s been leading for years. He may not think that way … but if you’re a man-in-law in that band, It’s probably him. “I want to go with my drums. It’s nice to have a slash, it’s nice to have a duff. That’s enough.”

Matt Sorum was invited to join the reunion tour as a guest, but said he didn’t get the request because it didn’t involve money. Asked if he would accept another approach, he said: “I have to wait for those calls to make that decision.”

“I’m trying to stay home now because I have small children,” he said. Continues. “A lot of things are going on in my life. I’ve produced a new Billy Gibbons work, I’m trying to make my own, and I have six startups. I’m busy. Things are going on. I like the days when I was in the band, but I’m grateful that Guns N’Roses is still in glory. “

Guns N’Roses recently announced the release of a new EP, Hard School.

Axl Rose, Slash and Duff McKagan will be physically releasing together for the first time in 28 years. Slash and Duff McKagan have left Guns N’Roses after the release of The Spaghetti Incident? In 1993 and rejoined in 2016.

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